IDMInternet Download Manager (software)
IDMIdentity Management
IDMIdentity Manager (Novell)
IDMI Don't Mind
IDMIntelligent Dance Music
IDMInstitute of Direct Marketing
IDMIt Don't Matter
IDMInconet Data Management (Lebanon ISP)
IDMIntegrated Document Management
IDMIntegrated Disease Management (for plant diseases)
IDMInternationale Deutsche Motorradmeisterschaft (German: International German Motorcycle Championship)
IDMIdentity Driven Manager (HP)
IDMInstitute for Decision Making (University of Northern Iowa)
IDMIntranet Document Management
IDMIgnition Discharge Module
IDMIps Device Manager
IDMIntrusion Detection Module
IDMInternet Download Manager
IDMIntegrated Diagnostic Modem
IDMImpact Dot Matrix
IDMId for a Menu
IDMIntegrated Data Management
IDMInteractive and Digital Media (business sector)
IDMIntelligence Data Management
IDMIntegrated Data Model
IDMImproved Data Modem
IDMIntegrated Device Manufacturer
IDMIntelligent Device Management
IDMIntelligent Design Movement (religious campaign)
IDMInformation and Data Management
IDMIntelligent Database Machine
IDMInitial Decision Maker (American Institute of Architects)
IDMImmediate Deposit Machine (banking)
IDMInstitute of Development Management
IDMInfant of a Diabetic Mother
IDMInformation Dissemination Management (US DoD)
IDMInjector Driver Module
IDMImaging Document Management (software)
IDMInvestment Decision Management
IDMIDS Device Manager (Cisco)
IDMIntranet Design Magazine
IDMIntuitive Design Method
IDMInsurance Data Model
IDMIan D Mead (Computer Solutions)
IDMIntegrated Database Management
IDMIntrusion Detection Monitor
IDMIndirect Materials
IDMIgnition Diagnostic Module
IDMIntra-Day Margin (finance)
IDMInwestycyjny Dom Maklerski (Polish: Investment Brokerage)
IDMInternal Demand Management
IDMInterleave-Division Multiplexing
IDMIntegrated Design Method
IDMIn Dry Matter (food science)
IDMInformatics and Marine Data
IDMIntegrated Diagnostic Model
IDMInnovation and Design Management
IDMIncomplete Difference Matrix
IDMImage Definition Message
IDMInternet Distance Mapping
IDMInside Dimension Male
IDMInternal Digital Modulation (Agilent)
IDMInfinity Digital Media (Sydney, Australia)
IDMInternal Department Manifest
IDMIntegrated Deployment Model (US TSA)