ICCPInstitute for Certification of Computer Professionals
ICCPInformation Computer and Communications Policy
ICCPImpressed Current Cathodic Protection
ICCPInstitute for Certification of Computing Professionals (Des Plaines, Illinois)
ICCPInformation Computer and Communications Policy (OECD)
ICCPInter-Control Center Communications Protocol
ICCPInternational Climate Change Partnership
ICCPInternational Conformity Certification Program
ICCPInternational Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (also seen as ICCOP)
ICCPInternational Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing
ICCPInternational Chamber of Commerce Paris (Paris, France)
ICCPIt.Comp.Console.Playstation (newgroup)
ICCPInternational Conference on Cataloging Principles
ICCPIslamic Community Center of Phoenix (Arizona)
ICCPIntel Converged Communication Platform
ICCPIntelligence Civilian Career Program
ICCPIndicative Calculated Closing Price (Toronto Stock Exchange)
ICCPInter-agency Contract Closeout Process
ICCPIntegrated Communications Control Panel