IDMSIsotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry
IDMSIntegrated Database Management System
IDMSIdentity Management System
IDMSIntegrated Data Management System
IDMSIntrusion Detection Management Service
IDMSIntrusion Detection and Monitoring Systems
IDMSInteractive Digital Media Supercomputing
IDMSInformation Display Measurements Standard (est. 2012)
IDMSIntegrated Document Management System
IDMSInspection Data Management System (software)
IDMSImaging and Document Management System
IDMSIntegrated Data Base Management System
IDMSInvestigational Drug Management System
IDMSIntegrated Disposal Management System
IDMSInterim Deployable Maintenance System
IDMSInternational Directory Management System (Sprint)
IDMSImproved Deep Moored Sweep
IDMSInventures Document Management System
IDMSInteractive Distributed Multimedia System
IDMSInventory and Distribution Management System