Acronym | Definition |
IDN | Internationalized Domain Name |
IDN | Indonesia (ISO Country code) |
IDN | Identification Number |
IDN | Integrated Digital Network |
IDN | International Development Network |
IDN | Integrated Data Network |
IDN | Integrated Delivery Network |
IDN | Integration Developer News (online newspaper) |
IDN | Inferior Dental Nerve |
IDN | International Directory Network |
IDN | International Data Number |
IDN | Integrated Data Network (AUTODIN II) |
IDN | Intelligent Design Network |
IDN | Intel Developer Network |
IDN | InterDomain Networks (Sun Microsystems) |
IDN | I Don't No (chat) |
IDN | Intradermal Nevus (lesion) |
IDN | International Data Network |
IDN | Interdigital Nerve |
IDN | In Dei Nomine (Latin: In the name of God) |
IDN | Institut Industriel du Nord de la France (French former name of Ecole Centrale de Lille) |
IDN | Information Digit Node (Sprint) |
IDN | Input Distribution Network |