IHMImmaculate Heart of Mary (Roman Catholic religious order)
IHMSisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (religious order)
IHMInstitute of Hospitality Management (various schools)
IHMInterface Homme Machine (man-machine interface)
IHMInteractions Homme-Machine (French: Human-Machine Interactions)
IHMInstitute of Heartmath (Boulder Creek, CA)
IHMInstitute for Health Metrics (Burlington, MA)
IHMIntegrated Healthcare Management
IHMInstitute of Healthcare Management (UK)
IHMInstitute of Hotel Management (India)
IHMImages from the History of Medicine (National Library of Medicine)
IHMIsten Háta Mögött (Hungarian: God is Behind Him; band)
IHMIesus Hominum Salvator (Latin: Jesus Savior of Men)
IHMIntegrated Housekeeping Management
IHMI Hate Mondays
IHMInternet Hate Machine
IHMIn House Magazine (India)
IHMInstitutet för Högre Marknadsföring (Swedish school of economics)
IHMIndividual Head Mounted
IHMIntentional Human Malpractice
IHMInfant of Hypertensive Mother (pregnancy)
IHMIglesia Hispana Menonita