IPMCIp Multicast
IPMCInternational Property Maintenance Code
IPMCIntelligent Platform Management Controller
IPMCionic polymer metal composite
IPMCInternational Police Motor Corporation
IPMCIonomeric Polymer Metal Composites
IPMCIndian Path Medical Center (Kingsport, Tennessee)
IPMCImperial Point Medical Center (Florida)
IPMCIntegrated Pest Management Coordinator
IPMCInstallation Pest Management Coordinator (US DoD)
IPMCInternational Prime Markets Conference
IPMCInternational Performance Management Council
IPMCIndependent Pest Management Consulting
IPMCInteragency Program Management Committee
IPMCIran Piston Manufacturing Company
IPMCIntegrated Program Management Consultants
IPMCInternational Project Management Congress
IPMCInterlink Pharma Marketing Corporation (Philippines)
IPMCIntegrated Plant Management and Control
IPMCInterior Property Maintenance Checklist
IPMCIntelligent Pneumatic Motion Control (Radovan Robotics)
IPMCIndependent Personal Medical Care
IPMCInterplanetary Mining Corporation
IPMCInvestment Promotion and Management Cell
IPMCInterdepartmental Project Management Committee
IPMCIPtimize Management Center
IPMCIndraprastha Medical Corp
IPMCIntelligent Peripheral Management Controllers
IPMCIndustrial Plant Maintenance Course
IPMCIslamic Peninsula Movement for Change
IPMCInventory of Premarital Conflict
IPMCInsurance Portfolio Management Contact
IPMCIntercom Programming & Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Ghana)
IPMCIndustrial Process Measurement and Control
IPMCIdaho Pest Management Center (University of Idaho, Boise, ID)
IPMCIndustrial Park Management Committee (Malaysia)
IPMCIntegrated Program Management Conference
IPMCInternational Power Modulator Conference
IPMCIron Pig Motorcycle Club (Oroville, California)