IPMSInternational Plastic Modelers Society
IPMSIntegrated Platform Management System
IPMSInter Personal Messaging System
IPMSInternational Projects and Management Services
IPMSIp Merchant Services
IPMSFraunhofer-Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme
IPMSInstitute for Photonic Microsystems
IPMSInternational Paper Money Show
IPMSIntegrated Project Management System
IPMSInterpersonal Messaging System
IPMSIndustrial Property Management Specialist (NASA)
IPMSInstitution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists
IPMSInterpersonal Messaging System (ITU-T)
IPMSIntegrated Production Management System (various organizations)
IPMSInternational Polar Motion Service
IPMSInternet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem (device linking)
IPMSInformation Processing Management System
IPMSIowa Podiatric Medical Society
IPMSInput Parameter Missing (Alcatel)
IPMSIntegrated Parking Management System
IPMSInternational Power Modulator Symposium
IPMSInventory Program Management Service