ISMInternational Symposium on Microarchitecture
ISMInstitute for Supply Management
ISMIndustrial, Scientific and Medical (radio spectrum)
ISMInternational Solidarity Movement
ISMIncredible Sweater Machine
ISMInternational Safety Management
ISMIntegrated Safety Management (US Department of Energy)
ISMInternational Spy Museum (Washington, DC)
ISMInternational Maritime Organization
ISMInformation Security Manual (Australia)
ISMInterstellar Medium
ISMIndustrial Sewing Machine (various organizations)
ISMInternational School of Management (New York, Paris, Tokyo)
ISMInformation Security Management
ISMIllinois State Museum (Springfield, IL)
ISMIn-Kind Support and Maintenance (supplemental disability benefit)
ISMInformation Systems Management
ISMIn Samenwerking Met (Dutch)
ISMInstitute of Structural Mechanics (various locations)
ISMMinisterium des Innern und für Sport (Ministry of the Interior and of Sports; Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany)
ISMInternational Supply Management
ISMInformation Services Manager
ISMInformation Systems Modelling
ISMIndependent School Management
ISMIndian School of Mines (Dhabi, India)
ISMIntersite Messaging Service
ISMIbm Session Manager
ISMInternetwork Status Monitor
ISMIntegrated Safety Management
ISMInternet Service Manager
ISMImage Switch Menu
ISMInstitute of Statistical Mathematics
ISMImage Support Module
ISMInternational Service Manager
ISMInfrared Sensor Module
ISMInterior Shading Method
ISMI-Control Services Manager
ISMIntrushield Security Manager
ISMIntel Server Management
ISMIncremental Search Method
ISMIntegrated Service Management
ISMImage Source Method
ISMIndustrial Security Manual (US DoD 5220.22-M)
ISMIt Still Moves (My Morning Jacket album)
ISMIndian System of Medicines
ISMIncorporated Society of Musicians
ISMIntimate Shared Memory
ISMInstitut Supérieur des Métiers (French: Higher Institute of Trades; est. 1990)
ISMInternet Service Manager (Microsoft)
ISMIce Sheet Model (environmental science)
ISMInterstellar Matter
ISMInternational Symposium on Multimedia
ISMIndependence Seaport Museum (Philadelphia, PA)
ISMInternational Sales Management, LLC (Indian Springs, AL)
ISMIndustrial Strength Marketing (Brentwood, TN)
ISMInstructional Staff Member
ISMInterpretive Structural Modeling
ISMIn-Store Marketing
ISMIndustrial Security Manual
ISMIntelligent Storage Management
ISMIndependent Student Media
ISMInstallation Support Module
ISMIngeniería y Sistemas Mecánicos (Spanish: Engineering and Mechanical Systems)
ISMInstructional Supplies and Materials (education fee; Canada)
ISMIntegrated Software Metrics
ISMInductor Super Magnetron
ISMInternational School, Manila (Philippines)
ISMIntegrated Supplier Management (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
ISMInformation Technology Security Magazine
ISMInduction/Synchronous Motor
ISMIntegrated Security Management
ISMIntegrated System Management
ISMImperiled Species Management (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission)
ISMInternational Spaceflight Museum (virtual museum)
ISMInformation Security Markings (national intelligence)
ISMIntegrated Services Module
ISMInformation Systems Management Corporation
ISMInternational Student Ministries
ISMInstitut des Sciences des Microstructures (French; Canada)
ISMIntel Server Manager (software)
ISMIntegrated Software Management
ISMIndustry Standard Module
ISMIn-Transit Service Manager (aviation)
ISMInstitut Suisse de Météorologie (Swiss Weather Institute)
ISMInternational School of Minnesota
ISMInduction Squirrel Motor
ISMIntegrated Sustainment Maintenance (Army)
ISMI, Self, Me (recovery)
ISMIncredibly Short Memory
ISMIntruShield Security Manager (software)
ISMInformation System Manager
ISMInteractive Storage Media
ISMInverted Slot-Mode (microwave theory)
ISMInstitut Sainte-Marie
ISMInternational Systems Marketing, Inc.
ISMI Sabotage Myself
ISMInformation Sources Map
ISMInsensitive Munitions
ISMISDN Standards Management
ISMInstitute Sergeant Major (Singapore Armed Forces)
ISMIBM (International Business Machines) Session Manager (IBM Corp.)
ISMIntensive Support and Monitoring Service (UK)
ISMInternet Search Metrics (various locations)
ISMIdentity and Security Management (software)
ISMInstitute of Science and Management (Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia)
ISMIn Service Measurement
ISMImplicit Space Mapping
ISMInstitute of Supervisory Management
ISMInternational Surfing Museum (Huntington Beach, CA)
ISMIntegrated Sight Module
ISMInput Signal Management
ISMIntegrated Structural Model (Bentley Systems, Inc.)
ISMIn-Service Manager
ISMInput Source Manager
ISMInteractive Services Menu (interactive TV, WAP)
ISMInstallation Spectrum Manager
ISMIn-Flight Service Manager
ISMIndustry-Sponsored Marketplace (B2B term for trading sites run by large corporations for supply or sell sides)
ISMInternational Staple and Machine Company
ISMIntegrated Shadow Mask
ISMInformation Santé Multimédia (Information System Medical)
ISMInformation Systems Modernization
ISMIntensive Site Monitoring
ISMIndependent Subcarrier Method
ISMInvestment Simulation Model
ISMImage Storage Module(s)
ISMInteractive Satellite Multi-Media
ISMInternal Specifications Maintenance
ISMInventory Service Manager
ISMIntegrated Safety Manager
ISMInteracting State Machine (Siemens/Infineon SLE66 microcontroller for chip cards)
ISMIntegrated Situation Management
ISMIntelligence, Surveillance and Monitoring
ISMIndustrial Staff Member
ISMInstitute Safety Management
ISMInternational Software Marketing, Incorporated
ISMInstallable Software Module
ISMiSearch Media, LLC
ISMImproved Single Map
ISMIndependent Stimulation Model
ISMIronsmith Machine (Ontario, Canada)