Acronym | Definition |
JSM | Joint Statistical Meetings |
JSM | Joint Strike Missile |
JSM | Jimmy Swaggart Ministries |
JSM | Journal of Sports Media (University of Nebraska Press) |
JSM | Job Status Monitor |
JSM | Japanese Society of Melbourne (est. 1965; Japan and Australia) |
JSM | Johnson Stokes & Master (law firm; China) |
JSM | John Stuart Mill (British 19th century philosopher) |
JSM | Journal of Sexual Medicine |
JSM | Joint Staff Mission (UK) |
JSM | Jabatan Sumber Manusia (Malay: Department of Human Resources) |
JSM | Just Shoot Me (sitcom) |
JSM | Journal of Sport Management |
JSM | John Sidney McCain |
JSM | Journal of Software Maintenance |
JSM | Jabber Session Manager |
JSM | Juris Scientiae Magister (Latin: Master of Science of Laws) |
JSM | Job Site Measurement (architectural drawings) |
JSM | JEOL Scanning Microscope |
JSM | Journal of Soviet Mathematics |