MFEMusic for Everyone (various organizations)
MFEMaster of Financial Economics (degree; various universities)
MFEMcAfee, Inc (stock ticker symbol)
MFEMinistry for the Environment (New Zealand)
MFEMultifamily Executive (magazine)
MFEMail for Exchange (Nokia)
MFEMovimento Federalista Europeo (Italian: European Federalist Movement)
MFEMaison des Français de l'Étranger (French: Home of the French Abroad)
MFEManufacturing Engineering (various schools)
MFEMedia Format Error
MFEMotion Flow Editor
MFEManaging for Excellence
MFEMeasurement Front End
MFEMinistry of Fuel and Energy (various nations)
MFEMagnetic Fusion Energy
MFEMasters in Financial Engineering
MFEMulti-Factored Evaluation
MFEManaging for Excellence (various organizations)
MFEMid-Frequency Executive (US NASA)
MFEMagnetic Field Effect
MFEmulti-fuel engine
MFEMarine Forces Europe (USMC)
MFEMarsh Fork Elementary (school)
MFEMinister for Education (Singapore)
MFEManpower Force Element
MFEMagnetic Field Explorer
MFEMobile Fahndungseinheit (German: mobile tracing unit of the German federal police)
MFEMeaningful Faculty Evaluation
MFEMcAllen/Mission, TX, USA (Airport Code)
MFEMaster Frequency Estimator
MFEMonopulse Feature Extractor (RC-135)
MFEModulated Free Electron Orbital Method
MFEMajor Fleet Escort
MFEMaterial Fielding Exception
MFEMultiframe Error
MFEMartin Family Enterprises, Inc. (New Hampshire)
MFEManeuver, Fires & Effects (US Army)
MFEMarketing Function Employee
MFEMulti-Port Fast Ethernet (Cisco)
MFEModeling Financial Economics (actuarial examination)
MFEMajor Factual Error (news editing)