Acronym | Definition |
AOT | Attack on Titan (gaming) |
AOT | As Opposed To |
AOT | Among Other Things |
AOT | Army of Two (game) |
AOT | Ark of Truth (Stargate movie) |
AOT | Accredited Online Training (Australia) |
AOT | Academy of Technology (various organizations) |
AOT | Art of Trolling |
AOT | Always on Top |
AOT | Agency of Transportation (Vermont, USA) |
AOT | Assisted Outpatient Treatment |
AOT | Area of Transfer |
AOT | Aerosol Optical Thickness |
AOT | Always on Time |
AOT | Army of Tennessee (American Civil War) |
AOT | Arrived on Time |
AOT | Assignment of Trade (finance) |
AOT | Ahead-of-Time |
AOT | Arizona Office of Tourism |
AOT | Atm over Tdm |
AOT | Application Binary Object Template |
AOT | All of Them (band) |
AOT | Automatic Overdrive Transmission (vehicles) |
AOT | Administrative Office Technology (various schools) |
AOT | Application Object Tree (MBS Axapta) |
AOT | Airports of Thailand Plc |
AOT | Application Object Template (file extension for Novell snAppShot Application Binary Object Template file) |
AOT | Autorisation d'Occupation Temporaire (French: Temporary Occupation Permit) |
AOT | American Opera Theater |
AOT | Advanced Officer Training (various locations) |
AOT | All One Tribe (drum company) |
AOT | Advanced Oxidation Technology |
AOT | Assignment Oriented Training (US Army) |
AOT | Transport Oiler |
AOT | Average Operating Time |
AOT | Ardennen Orientatie Tocht (Dutch: Ardennes Orientation Tour) |
AOT | Association of Orthopaedic Technicians (UK) |
AOT | All Occasion Transportation (Rhode Island) |
AOT | Advanced Optical Technology Ltd. (UK) |
AOT | Alpha Omega Theta (fraternity) |
AOT | Act of Terrorism |
AOT | Art Of Technology |
AOT | All Operators Telex (aviation) |
AOT | Alberta Oil Tool (Edmonton, AB, Canada) |
AOT | Angle Off Tail |
AOT | Accelerator Operations and Technology (US DOE) |
AOT | Age of Mythology: the Titans Expansion (PC game) |
AOT | Amsterdam Options Traders (Netherlands) |
AOT | Atlas Orthogonal Technique (chiropractic technique; also seen as AO) |
AOT | Angle-Only Tracking |
AOT | Aerosol Open Test |
AOT | Action Outage Time |
AOT | Adjustment of Terms (finance) |
AOT | Aspect Oriented Thinking |
AOT | Aviation Ordnanceman Turrets (US Navy rank) |
AOT | Actual Operating Time |
AOT | Angels Of Truth (Kappa Delta) |
AOT | Associates in Occupational Technology |
AOT | Allowed Off Time |
AOT | Acquisition of Turnover (finance) |
AOT | Absolutely Off Topic (newsgroups) |
AOT | Austrian Oil Technology |
AOT | Architecture of Transmission (software) |
AOT | Airborne Operations Technician |
AOT | All Out Throttle (Ohio) |
AOT | Apples of Trees (band) |
AOT | Aerosol OT or Sodium Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate |