AOTDArt of the Day
AOTDAlbum of the Day
AOTDAss of the Day
AOTDAntrasis Operatyviniu Tarnybu Departamentas (Lithuanian: Second Investigation Department)
AOTDApplication of the Day
AOTDAces of the Deep (gaming clan)
AOTDArt of the Drink (Instructional bartending videos)
AOTDAsylum of the Daleks (Doctor Who episode)
AOTDAmusing Ourselves to Death (Postman book)
AOTDApocolypse of the Damned (fan fiction)
AOTDArt of Technology Digest
AOTDActive Optical Target Detector
AOTDAvatar of the Day
AOTDAmateur Owner to Drive (equestrian)
AOTDAnswer of the day
AOTDAcronym Of The Day
AOTDAssistant Operational Test Director