ICCSInternational Conference on Computational Science
ICCSInternational Conference on Conceptual Structures
ICCSInternational Council for Canadian Studies
ICCSInternational Council for Canadian Studies (Conseil International d'Études Canadiennes)
ICCSIntelligent Cruise Control System
ICCSInternational Conference on Chemical Structures
ICCSIntegrated Communications Control System
ICCSInstitute of Communication and Computer Systems
ICCSInternational Conference on Communication Systems
ICCSInternational Conference on Cognitive Science
ICCSIntegrated Command and Control System
ICCSIntercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (Rome, Italy)
ICCSInternational Children's Continence Society
ICCSInternational Commission of Control and Supervision (UN peacekeeping force in Vietnam)
ICCSInternational Catholic Conference of Scouting
ICCSInternational Congress of Celtic Studies (conference)
ICCSIntegrated Controls and Safety System (oil industry)
ICCSIntegrated Chassis Control System (Cadillac automotive technology)
ICCSInfinity Contact Centre Software (UK)
ICCSInternational Consumers for Civil Society (Washington, DC)
ICCSIllinois Coalition for Community Services (est. 1985)
ICCSInternational Center for Cultural Studies
ICCSInternational Centre for Chemical Sciences (Pakistan)
ICCSInstitute for Citizen Centered Service (Canada)
ICCSInternational Certified Clinical Supervisor
ICCSInternational Classification of Clinical Services
ICCSIntegrated Coastguard Communication System
ICCSInternational Center for Communication Studies (Philippines)
ICCSIntegrated Catapult Control Station
ICCSSenior Chief Interior Communications Electrician (Naval Rating)
ICCSInterbuilding Communications Conduit System
ICCSIntegrated Contingency Communications System
ICCSITW/AA Configuration Control System
ICCSIndustrial Construction Crew Supervisor (job title)
ICCSInterim Command and Control System
ICCSIncremental Hundred (C) Call Seconds