Acronym | Definition |
IDP | Internally Displaced People |
IDP | Intern Development Program |
IDP | Independence (Amtrak station code; Independence, MO) |
IDP | Individual Development Plan |
IDP | Identity Provider (cybersecurity) |
IDP | Intrusion Detection and Prevention |
IDP | IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) Discovery Protocol |
IDP | Internally Displaced Person |
IDP | International Day of Peace |
IDP | Integrated Development Plan |
IDP | Identity Proofing (authentication software) |
IDP | Inclusion Development Programme (various organizations) |
IDP | Initial Domain Part |
IDP | Intra Dc Precision |
IDP | Identity Provider |
IDP | Interchange Document Profile |
IDP | Integrated Device Processor |
IDP | Identity Protection (software) |
IDP | Irrigation Development Project (Zambia) |
IDP | Imminent Danger Pay |
IDP | Internet Datagram Protocol |
IDP | Interdisciplinary Program |
IDP | Integrated Development Planning (Malaysia) |
IDP | International Drivers Permit |
IDP | Internal DisplayPort (digital display) |
IDP | Islamic Democratic Party (Maldives) |
IDP | Internet Dictionary Project |
IDP | Ingersoll-Dresser Pump (various locations) |
IDP | Infectious Disease Program (various organizations) |
IDP | IMS (IP(Internet Protocol) Multimedia Subsystem) Developer Program |
IDP | Interplanetary Dust Particle |
IDP | International Development Partners (Norway) |
IDP | Integrated Data Processing |
IDP | Individual Development Program |
IDP | Interdisciplinary Degree Program (various schools) |
IDP | Interac Direct Payment (Canada national debit service) |
IDP | Interac Direct Payment (credit card, Interac, Inc.) |
IDP | Institutional Development Plan (World Health Organization) |
IDP | Institutional Development Program |
IDP | Internet Death Penalty (sanction against spammers) |
IDP | Instructional Development Process (outer space training) |
IDP | Imagery-Derived Product |
IDP | Inosine 5'-Diphosphate |
IDP | Immigrant Defense Project (New York, NY) |
IDP | International Development Planning |
IDP | Intelligent Document Platform |
IDP | Issuing Distribution Point (digital certificate) |
IDP | Indigent Defense Program (various locations) |
IDP | Insurance Data Processing, Inc (Wyncote, PA) |
IDP | Intoxicated Drivers Program (various locations) |
IDP | Initial Detection Point (telephony) |
IDP | Information Data Processing |
IDP | Image and Data Processing |
IDP | Innovative Design Process (various organizations) |
IDP | Initial Delay Position |
IDP | Intercept Deployment Plan |
IDP | International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges Ltd |
IDP | Installation Deployment Plan (USAF) |
IDP | Installation Design Plan |
IDP | Individualized Dialing Plan (Telephony) |
IDP | Industrial Development Plan |
IDP | Intelligence Data Processor |
IDP | Instrument Data Processor |
IDP | Intra Day Plan |
IDP | Increased Deployability Posture (STADEPS) |
IDP | Incremental Development Package |
IDP | Information Dissemination Processor |
IDP | Installation Design Package |
IDP | ISDN Protocol Converter |
IDP | Integrated Development Package |
IDP | Intelligent Data Product |
IDP | Iodine Disinfection By-Products |
IDP | Interface Development Plan |
IDP | Integrated Decision Paper |
IDP | Interface Demonstration Plan |
IDP | Integrated Diagnostic Plan |
IDP | Initial, Developing, Proficient |
IDP | Internal Development and Production |
IDP | Interface Design Package |
IDP | Isometric Dot Paper |
IDP | Impuesto a los Derivados del Petroleo (Spanish) |
IDP | Instructor Development Plan |