IDPInternally Displaced People
IDPIntern Development Program
IDPIndependence (Amtrak station code; Independence, MO)
IDPIndividual Development Plan
IDPIdentity Provider (cybersecurity)
IDPIntrusion Detection and Prevention
IDPIPsec (Internet Protocol Security) Discovery Protocol
IDPInternally Displaced Person
IDPInternational Day of Peace
IDPIntegrated Development Plan
IDPIdentity Proofing (authentication software)
IDPInclusion Development Programme (various organizations)
IDPInitial Domain Part
IDPIntra Dc Precision
IDPIdentity Provider
IDPInterchange Document Profile
IDPIntegrated Device Processor
IDPIdentity Protection (software)
IDPIrrigation Development Project (Zambia)
IDPImminent Danger Pay
IDPInternet Datagram Protocol
IDPInterdisciplinary Program
IDPIntegrated Development Planning (Malaysia)
IDPInternational Drivers Permit
IDPInternal DisplayPort (digital display)
IDPIslamic Democratic Party (Maldives)
IDPInternet Dictionary Project
IDPIngersoll-Dresser Pump (various locations)
IDPInfectious Disease Program (various organizations)
IDPIMS (IP(Internet Protocol) Multimedia Subsystem) Developer Program
IDPInterplanetary Dust Particle
IDPInternational Development Partners (Norway)
IDPIntegrated Data Processing
IDPIndividual Development Program
IDPInterdisciplinary Degree Program (various schools)
IDPInterac Direct Payment (Canada national debit service)
IDPInterac Direct Payment (credit card, Interac, Inc.)
IDPInstitutional Development Plan (World Health Organization)
IDPInstitutional Development Program
IDPInternet Death Penalty (sanction against spammers)
IDPInstructional Development Process (outer space training)
IDPImagery-Derived Product
IDPInosine 5'-Diphosphate
IDPImmigrant Defense Project (New York, NY)
IDPInternational Development Planning
IDPIntelligent Document Platform
IDPIssuing Distribution Point (digital certificate)
IDPIndigent Defense Program (various locations)
IDPInsurance Data Processing, Inc (Wyncote, PA)
IDPIntoxicated Drivers Program (various locations)
IDPInitial Detection Point (telephony)
IDPInformation Data Processing
IDPImage and Data Processing
IDPInnovative Design Process (various organizations)
IDPInitial Delay Position
IDPIntercept Deployment Plan
IDPInternational Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges Ltd
IDPInstallation Deployment Plan (USAF)
IDPInstallation Design Plan
IDPIndividualized Dialing Plan (Telephony)
IDPIndustrial Development Plan
IDPIntelligence Data Processor
IDPInstrument Data Processor
IDPIntra Day Plan
IDPIncreased Deployability Posture (STADEPS)
IDPIncremental Development Package
IDPInformation Dissemination Processor
IDPInstallation Design Package
IDPISDN Protocol Converter
IDPIntegrated Development Package
IDPIntelligent Data Product
IDPIodine Disinfection By-Products
IDPInterface Development Plan
IDPIntegrated Decision Paper
IDPInterface Demonstration Plan
IDPIntegrated Diagnostic Plan
IDPInitial, Developing, Proficient
IDPInternal Development and Production
IDPInterface Design Package
IDPIsometric Dot Paper
IDPImpuesto a los Derivados del Petroleo (Spanish)
IDPInstructor Development Plan