IRSAInterest Rate Swap Agreement (financial instrument)
IRSAIbm Rational Software Architect
IRSAIndus River System Authority
IRSAInternational Rett Syndrome Association
IRSAIstituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque (Italian: Water Research Institute)
IRSAIndonesia Regional Science Association
IRSAInterest Rate Sensitive Asset
IRSAInternational Rural Sociology Association
IRSAInternational Radiosurgery Support Association
IRSAIntramural Recreational Sports Association (various locations)
IRSAIrish Research Staff Association (est. 2007)
IRSAInstitute of Remote Sensing Application (China)
IRSALackfabrik Irmgard Sallinger GmbH (Deisenhausen, Germany)
IRSAInfrared Science Archives
IRSAInstitution Régionale des Sourds et des Aveugles (French: Regional Institution for the Deaf and Blind)
IRSAInstitut Royal des Sourds et Aveugles (Brussels school for deaf & blind)
IRSAIstituto Per Le Ricerche Di Storia Dell'arte (Italian: International Institute for Art Historical Research)
IRSAInternational Road Safety Academy Association (Netherlands; est. 2004)
IRSAInternational Retained Search Associates (employment recruiting; Mount Pleasant, SC)
IRSAIndependent Railway Supervisors Association
IRSAInvercargill Returned Services' Association, Inc. (Southland, New Zealand, affiliated with Royal New Zealand Returned Services' Association Inc.)