Acronym | Definition |
IPN | Instituto Politecnico Nacional (National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico) |
IPN | Instant Payment Notification (PayPal) |
IPN | International Preservation News (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) |
IPN | Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis |
IPN | Instant Payment Notification |
IPN | Internet Phone Number |
IPN | Internet Protocol Number |
IPN | Interplanetary Internet |
IPN | Inter Platform Network |
IPN | Ip Network |
IPN | International Policy Network (est. 2001) |
IPN | Interplanetary Network |
IPN | Interplanetary Internet (JPL) |
IPN | Interpenetrating Polymer Networks |
IPN | Intellectual Property Network (IBM) |
IPN | Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (Polish: Institute of National Remembrance) |
IPN | I'm Posting Naked |
IPN | Internet Protocol Network (computing) |
IPN | Institut Pédagogique National (French: National Pedogogical Institute) |
IPN | International Programming Network |
IPN | Idemitsu Petroleum Norge (Norwegian petroleum company) |
IPN | Inventor Presentation (animated file) |
IPN | Installation Processing Node (US DoD) |
IPN | Intelligent Packet Network |
IPN | Isophthalonitrile |
IPN | Impulse Noise |
IPN | Info Pool Network |
IPN | Iowa Prairie Network |
IPN | Integrated Packet Network |
IPN | Intelligence Processing Network |
IPN | Iso-Propyl Nitrate |
IPN | Information Processing Network |
IPN | Initial Physical Notification (UK) |
IPN | Ideal Proportional Navigation |
IPN | Intern Progress Note |
IPN | Intel Part Number |
IPN | Internal Point Name (Megasys) |