Acronym | Definition |
IPO | Initial Public Offering (new stocks) |
IPO | Intellectual Property Office |
IPO | International Programs Office (US Navy) |
IPO | Intellectual Property Owners Association (Washington, DC USA) |
IPO | Israel Philharmonic Orchestra |
IPO | Interprovinciaal Overleg (Netherlands) |
IPO | Illinois Periodicals Online |
IPO | Initial Purchase Order (various companies) |
IPO | Intellectual Property Organization |
IPO | Indian Patent Office (India) |
IPO | Inter Procedural Optimization |
IPO | Initial Public Offering |
IPO | Illustrative Purposes Only |
IPO | International Project Office |
IPO | Irish Poker Open (tournament; Ireland) |
IPO | Interagency Program Office (US DoD an US VA) |
IPO | Integrated Program Office |
IPO | Input Process Output |
IPO | Iowa Publications Online (State Library of Iowa) |
IPO | International Permanent Observatory (on Security During Major Events; UNICRI) |
IPO | International Procurement Office |
IPO | International Program Office (US DoD) |
IPO | Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (ocean science) |
IPO | International Purchasing Office |
IPO | Instituto Português de Oncologia (Portugese: Portugese Institute of Oncology) |
IPO | Investing Pays Off (Merrill Lynch) |
IPO | Investment Promotion Office (various organizations) |
IPO | International Progress Organization |
IPO | Indian Postal Order |
IPO | Inter Procedural Optimization (Intel C++ Compiler) |
IPO | Input, Processing, and Output (requirements of a program) |
IPO | International Police Organization |
IPO | Islamic Propagation Organization |
IPO | IGES/PDES Organization |
IPO | In-Place-Optimization |
IPO | Internal Purchase Order |
IPO | Independent Program Oversight (consulting) |
IPO | Import Power Online |
IPO | Industrial Property Officer (NASA) |
IPO | Interim Possession Order (property rights; UK) |
IPO | Improved Pregnancy Outcome |
IPO | Institutional Program Office |
IPO | Iterative Physical Optics |
IPO | Instrument Project Office |
IPO | Independent Practice Organization |
IPO | Industrial Partnership Office |
IPO | Individual Pays Own (meeting planning) |
IPO | International Pasta Organisation |
IPO | Independent Pharmacists of Ontario (Canada) |
IPO | Individual Performance Objective |
IPO | Internet Protocol Over Optical (IETF) |
IPO | International Pact Organization |
IPO | Information Protection Office (USAF) |
IPO | Instrumental Performing Organization (The Hartt School, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT) |
IPO | Industrial Preparedness Operations |
IPO | Internet Powered by Oracle |
IPO | Initial Phase Onset |
IPO | Indirect Program Office |
IPO | Industry Portfolio Office (Canada) |
IPO | International Press Organization |
IPO | Information Programs Office (US State Department) |
IPO | In-Process Overview |
IPO | International Powerlifting Organization |
IPO | Intervening Protection Optical (Pirelli) |
IPO | Indice Pollution Organique (French: topographical index of organic pollution of water) |
IPO | Indian Intellectual Property Office |
IPO | Integrated Product Ownership (defense program management) |