ICESInternational Conference on Environmental Science
ICESInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ICESInstitute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
ICESInterference Causing Equipment Standard
ICESInstitute for Complex Engineered Systems (Carnegie Mellon University)
ICESInterference-Causing Equipment Standard (Canada)
ICESInternational Conference on Evolvable Systems
ICESInternational Cultural Exchange School (China)
ICESInternational Cake Exploration Societé
ICESInstitution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (UK)
ICESInternational Centre for Ethnic Studies
ICESInternational Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (IEEE)
ICESInstitut Catholique d'etudes Supérieures (France)
ICESInterfaith Council for Environmental Stewardship
ICESIndiana Client Eligibility System
ICESIntelligence Community Enterprise Services
ICESIntegrated Customs Enforcement System (Canada)
ICESIntegrated Client Encounter System (Texas Department of Health)
ICESInstitute for Chemical and Engineering Sciences
ICESIndustry Canada Interference-Causing Equipment Standard
ICESInternational Council for Electrophoresis Societies
ICESInformation Collection and Evaluation Standards (hospital data collection for safety and compliance issues)
ICESIntegrated Civil Engineering Support (Department of Defense)