Acronym | Definition |
IPP | Internet Presence Provider |
IPP | Internet Printing Protocol |
IPP | Integrated Performance Primitives |
IPP | Integrated Product Policy (EU) |
IPP | Independent Power Producer |
IPP | Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Galician: Polytechnic Institute of Porto; Porto, Portugal) |
IPP | Innovative Partnerships Program (NASA) |
IPP | Irish Parliamentary Party |
IPP | Individual Program Plan |
IPP | Infrastructure Portal Provider |
IPP | Internet Publishing Provider |
IPP | Internet Proposed Protocol |
IPP | Intelligent Packet Processor |
IPP | Internet Print Provider |
IPP | Ip Policy |
IPP | Internet Protocol Processor |
IPP | Intel Integrated Performance Primitives |
IPP | Internet Peering Point |
IPP | Internet Payment Protocol |
IPP | Intel Premier Provider |
IPP | Inter Pulse Period |
IPP | Intellectual Property Protection |
IPP | Information Privacy Principles |
IPP | Individualized Program Plan (various organizations) |
IPP | Image Pro-Plus |
IPP | Isopentenyl Pyrophosphate (mycobacterial antigen) |
IPP | Institute for Public Policy |
IPP | Institute of Payroll Professionals (UK) |
IPP | Independent Power Plant |
IPP | International Puzzle Party |
IPP | Immediate Past President |
IPP | Individual Pension Plan |
IPP | Infertility Prevention Project (US CDC) |
IPP | Iowa Policy Project (est. 2001) |
IPP | Induratio Penis Plastica (urological disease) |
IPP | Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (Italy) |
IPP | Industry Partnership Program (various organizations) |
IPP | Índice de Precios al Productor |
IPP | International PhD Program (various universities) |
IPP | Institute of Plasma Physics |
IPP | Intellectual Property Portfolio |
IPP | Institute of Particle Physics |
IPP | Interpreter Preparation Program |
IPP | Intermountain Power Project (Delta, UT, USA) |
IPP | Information Protection Program |
IPP | International Phytosanitary Portal |
IPP | Income Protection Plan |
IPP | Indonesian Parrot Project (est. 2004) |
IPP | Inflatable Penile Prosthesis |
IPP | Installation Protection Program |
IPP | Individual Performance Plan |
IPP | Individual Partnership Program |
IPP | Integrated Planning Process |
IPP | In-Place Protection (Singapore Civil Defence Force) |
IPP | Impot sur les Personnes Physiques (French) |
IPP | Intergrafica Print & Pack (various locations) |
IPP | Industry Partnership Programme (various organizations) |
IPP | Infrastructure and Preservation Program (various locations) |
IPP | Industrial Preparedness Program |
IPP | Ionospheric Pierce Point (Global Positioning System) |
IPP | Imaging Photopolarimeter |
IPP | Integrated Program Plan |
IPP | Identifiable Parent Property |
IPP | Investment Protection Program |
IPP | Integrated Plotting Package (environment) |
IPP | Intensive Probation Program (juvenile court) |
IPP | Inter-Pulse Period |
IPP | Independent Payphone Provider |
IPP | Industrial Partners Program |
IPP | Implementation Planning Program |
IPP | Impact Point Prediction |
IPP | International Pension Plan |
IPP | Individual Power Plant (ecology) |
IPP | Institute for Physical Problems |
IPP | Internal Policies and Procedures |
IPP | Industrial Preparedness Planning |
IPP | Initial Planning Point |
IPP | I Promise Program (safe driving campaign) |
IPP | Initially Prepared Plan (water planning) |
IPP | International Power Project (various companies) |
IPP | Isopentenil Pirofosfato (Spanish) |
IPP | Inter-Media Priority Pollutant |
IPP | Interference Progression Planner |
IPP | Intercultural Psychiatric Program |
IPP | Institute of Professional Psychologists (Sri Lanka) |
IPP | International Press Publications Inc. |
IPP | Internationally Protected Person |
IPP | Infirmité Permanente Partielle (French: Permanent Partial Disability) |
IPP | International Police Program |
IPP | Integrated Project Planning |
IPP | Indigenous Partnerships Program |
IPP | Identity Protection Program |
IPP | Ikatan Petani Pancasila (Pancasila Farmers Association) |
IPP | Import Performance Page |
IPP | Introduction to Parallel Processing |
IPP | Industrial Plastics & Paints |
IPP | Installation-Provided Property (NASA) |
IPP | International Phototelegraph Position (Itu-T) |
IPP | Internal Penile Pump (erectile dysfunction) |
IPP | Implementation Program Planning |
IPP | Initial Production Parts |
IPP | Islamic Party of the Philippines |
IPP | Institute Panos Paris |
IPP | Immediate Priority Pollutant |
IPP | Impact Prediction Point |
IPP | Inplane Distortion (semiconductors) |
IPP | Investment and Implementation Plan (finance) |
IPP | International Property Policy |
IPP | Information Processing Protocol |
IPP | Internal Papillomatosis of Parrots |
IPP | Introduction to Progress Programming |
IPP | Initial Perceivability Probability (radar tracking) |
IPP | Interactive Personnel Payroll |
IPP | Image and Press Processors |
IPP | Ingreja Presbitariana de Planalto |
IPP | Individual Progression Planning |
IPP | Individual Placement Project |
IPP | International Private Pension |
IPP | Interface Package Process |
IPP | Internet Payment Protocol (standard for Internet payments; Nethow Interactive) |
IPP | Internet Publishing Project |
IPP | Internet Petition for Prayer |
IPP | Intermediate Punishment Plan (corrections) |
IPP | Information for Patients and Public (National Health Service; UK) |
IPP | In-Plant Profile |
IPP | Irving Pulp and Paper Limited (Saint John, NB, Canada) |