HYSHigh Yield Savings (bank account)
HYSHershey (stock)
HYSHave Your Say (BBC online debate forum)
HYSHealthy Youth Survey (State of Washington)
HYSHave You Seen (entertainment slang)
HYSHelp Your Self
HYSHouston Youth Symphony (Houston, TX)
HYSHays, KS, USA - Hays Municipal Airport (Airport Code)
HYSHawaii Youth Symphony (Honolulu, HI)
HYSHandsome Young Son (wallet retailer; Hawaii)
HYSHomeless Youth Services (various locations)
HYSHarvard, Yale, and Stanford (top law schools)
HYSHispanic Youth Symposium
HYSHere's Your Sign
HYSHelsingin Ylioppilas Salamurhaajat (Finnish: Student Union of Helsinki Assassins; University of Helsinki; Helsinki, Finland)
HYSHanseatische Yachtschule (German: Hanseatic Yachting School)
HYSHamble Yacht Services Ltd (UK)
HYSHillsong Youth Services