Acronym | Definition |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IEA | International Environmental Agreements |
IEA | International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement |
IEA | International Ergonomics Association |
IEA | Institute of Economic Affairs |
IEA | Inferred from Electronic Annotation |
IEA | Illinois Education Association (Springfield, IL) |
IEA | Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (various schools) |
IEA | Internationaal Energie Agentschap (Dutch: International Energy Agency; Paris, France) |
IEA | Insurance Educational Association |
IEA | Internet Exchange Architecture |
IEA | Ibm Education Assistant |
IEA | Ibm Express Advantage |
IEA | Integrated Electronic Assembly |
IEA | Internationale Energie Agentur (German: International Energy Agency) |
IEA | Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (US NOAA) |
IEA | Indian Education Act (Arizona) |
IEA | Institutos Educacionales Asociados (Spanish: Educational institutes Associates; Venezuela) |
IEA | Irish Exporters' Association |
IEA | Internet Effectiveness Awards (Czech Republic) |
IEA | International Epidemiological Association |
IEA | International Economic Association |
IEA | Individual Employment Agreement (various locations) |
IEA | Idaho Education Association |
IEA | Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm |
IEA | Illuminating Engineering Society |
IEA | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology |
IEA | Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan |
IEA | Inter-Enterprise Architecture |
IEA | Institute for Educational Advancement |
IEA | Industrial Environmental Association |
IEA | Institute for Environmental Assessment, Inc. (est. 1984; various locations) |
IEA | Integrated Equipment Assembly (NASA) |
IEA | International Environmental Associates, Inc. (Houston, TX) |
IEA | Information Exchange Agreements |
IEA | Immigration Enforcement Agent |
IEA | Installation Excellence Award (US DoD) |
IEA | Integrated Enterprise Application (software) |
IEA | Institute of Educational Assessors |
IEA | Institute of Economic Analysis (Moscow, Russia) |
IEA | Integrated Electronics Assembly |
IEA | Interaction Effectiveness Assessment (social interaction) |
IEA | Internet Exchange Architecture (Intel) |
IEA | Involuntary Emergency Admission |
IEA | International Exhibitors Association |
IEA | Initial Environmental Assessment |
IEA | Information Exchange Annex |
IEA | Indian Epilepsy Association |
IEA | Instituto de Estudos Amazonicos E Ambientais (Portuguese: Institute of Amazon and Environmental Studies) |
IEA | Independent Energy Agency (UK) |
IEA | International Endometriosis Association |
IEA | Integrated Engineering Assessment |
IEA | Interscholastic Equestrian Association, Inc. |
IEA | Internet Ethics Association |
IEA | Independent Executive Agency |
IEA | Ingeniero Especialista Aeronáutico (Colombia) |
IEA | Interconnector Error Administrator (electrical utility industry) |
IEA | Information Enterprise Architecture Group (New York Life Insurance Company) |