Acronym | Definition |
IEB | Inter-Environnement Bruxelles (Belgium environmental organization) |
IEB | Internet Explorer Browser |
IEB | Interactive Entertainment Business |
IEB | Independent Examinations Board (South Africa) |
IEB | Institute of Environmental Biology (Utrecht University; Netherlands) |
IEB | Interim Executive Board (education; UK) |
IEB | Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (Association for Practical and Professional Ethics) |
IEB | Immigration Enquiry Bureau (UK) |
IEB | Inter-Europa Bank (Hungary) |
IEB | International Environment Bureau (ICC) |
IEB | Institut d'Elimination du Bégaiement (French: International Institute for Elimination of Stuttering) |
IEB | Instrument Expanded Block |
IEB | Iowa Empowerment Board |
IEB | International Exhibitions Bureau |
IEB | Institute of Economic Botany (New York Botanical Garden) |
IEB | Invention Evaluation Board (US Navy) |
IEB | IMS (Information Management System) Edit Batch (IBM Corp.) |
IEB | Industrial Electronic Bulletin |
IEB | Independent Evaluation Briefing |
IEB | Integrated Electronics Box (GE medical equipment) |