Acronym | Definition |
MFG | Manufacturing |
MFG | Manufacturer |
MFG | Medford (Amtrak station code; Medford, OR) |
MFG | Mit Freundlichen Grüßen (German: With Best Regards) |
MFG | Most Fun Games |
MFG | McGregor Fashion Group (est. 1993; various locations) |
MFG | Middle Frontal Gyrus (brain) |
MFG | Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. (Japan) |
MFG | Molded Fiber Glass (industrial material) |
MFG | Mitfahrgelegenheit (German) |
MFG | Marithe Francois Girbaud (French clothing company) |
MFG | Media Forge |
MFG | Multi Function Gateway |
MFG | Mixed Flowing Gas (an accelerated-aging test) |
MFG | McDonald Financial Group |
MFG | Molded Fiber Glass Companies (Ashtabula, OH) |
MFG | Message from God (band) |
MFG | Marinefliegergeschwader (German Navy Air Wing) |
MFG | minimum funding guarantee (UK) |
MFG | Microsoft Federation Gateway (identity service) |
MFG | Mission from God (Swedish band) |
MFG | More Friendly Garbage |
MFG | Musical Fairy Godmother |
MFG | Multi-Function Gateway |
MFG | Maximum Family Grant (California) |
MFG | Mann Fürs Grobe (German: Man for the Rough) |
MFG | Mitsubishi Food Group (Japan) |
MFG | Metadata Focus Group |
MFG | Modified Frigate |