MFGMedford (Amtrak station code; Medford, OR)
MFGMit Freundlichen Grüßen (German: With Best Regards)
MFGMost Fun Games
MFGMcGregor Fashion Group (est. 1993; various locations)
MFGMiddle Frontal Gyrus (brain)
MFGMizuho Financial Group, Inc. (Japan)
MFGMolded Fiber Glass (industrial material)
MFGMitfahrgelegenheit (German)
MFGMarithe Francois Girbaud (French clothing company)
MFGMedia Forge
MFGMulti Function Gateway
MFGMixed Flowing Gas (an accelerated-aging test)
MFGMcDonald Financial Group
MFGMolded Fiber Glass Companies (Ashtabula, OH)
MFGMessage from God (band)
MFGMarinefliegergeschwader (German Navy Air Wing)
MFGminimum funding guarantee (UK)
MFGMicrosoft Federation Gateway (identity service)
MFGMission from God (Swedish band)
MFGMore Friendly Garbage
MFGMusical Fairy Godmother
MFGMulti-Function Gateway
MFGMaximum Family Grant (California)
MFGMann Fürs Grobe (German: Man for the Rough)
MFGMitsubishi Food Group (Japan)
MFGMetadata Focus Group
MFGModified Frigate