Acronym | Definition |
ALI | Albion (Amtrak Station Code; Albion, MI) |
ALI | American Law Institute |
ALI | Acute Lung Injury |
ALI | ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Line Interface |
ALI | Alignment |
ALI | American Language Institute (San Diego State University) |
ALI | Apple Learning Interchange |
ALI | Analytical Laboratories, Inc. |
ALI | Automatic Location Identification |
ALI | Automatic Language Identification |
ALI | Advanced Learning Institute (Chicago, IL) |
ALI | Arbitration Lost Interrupt |
ALI | Authorized Licensed Implementations |
ALI | Automatic Link Intelligence |
ALI | Acer Laboratories Inc. |
ALI | Atm Line Interface |
ALI | Advanced Land Imager (NASA) |
ALI | Adult Learning Inspectorate (UK) |
ALI | Automatic Location Information |
ALI | Annual Limit on Intake (radiation as established by ICRP) |
ALI | Acer Labs Inc. |
ALI | American Logistics International (Carson, CA) |
ALI | American Ladder Institute |
ALI | Archaeological Legacy Institute (est. 1999; Oregon) |
ALI | Additional Liability Insurance |
ALI | Association of Lebanese Industrialists |
ALI | Asociación de Doctores, Licenciados e Ingenieros en Informática (Spanish) |
ALI | Aegis Leap Intercept |
ALI | Alarm Interface |
ALI | Association Luxembourgeoise des Ingenieurs (Luxembourg) |
ALI | Alabama Law Institute |
ALI | Academie Linguistique Internationale (Montreal, Canada) |
ALI | Advanced Logic Industries |
ALI | Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. |
ALI | Alpha Lamp Integration |
ALI | Automated Location Identification |
ALI | Application Layer Interface |
ALI | Applied Language Institute |
ALI | Architecture and Language Implementation |
ALI | Aegis LEAP Interceptor |
ALI | Army Library Institute |
ALI | Artificial Language Intelligence (Nanosoft) |
ALI | Airworthiness Limitation Item (aviation) |
ALI | Allowable Limit of Intake |
ALI | Annual Level of Intake |
ALI | Automatic Logic Implementation |
ALI | Application Logic Interface |
ALI | Avance Logic, Incorporated |
ALI | Automatic Line Integration |
ALI | Anvil Logic, Inc. |
ALI | Account Line Indicator |
ALI | Automatic Line Indicator |