Acronym | Definition |
ITF | International Tennis Federation |
ITF | International Transport Workers' Federation |
ITF | International Trade Fair |
ITF | In the Future |
ITF | In the Face |
ITF | International Transport Forum |
ITF | Impuesto a las Transacciones Financieras (Spanish: Tax to Finanacial Transactions) |
ITF | International Trust Fund (demining NGO based in Slovenia) |
ITF | Instituto Teologico Franciscano (Portuguese: Franciscan Theological Institute; Brazil) |
ITF | Initiator Table Full |
ITF | Interleaved Format |
ITF | Idle Time Functions |
ITF | It Forum |
ITF | Interface File |
ITF | Inflation Targeting Framework (finance) |
ITF | Innovative Teachers Forum (Microsoft) |
ITF | In Trust For (banking/legal) |
ITF | In The Flesh |
ITF | Institute of Tropical Forestry (Puerto Rico) |
ITF | International Transport Federation |
ITF | Into the Fire (Babylon 5 game) |
ITF | International Trombone Festival (est. 1971) |
ITF | I Totally Forgot |
ITF | Interleaved Two of Five (bar code standard) |
ITF | Industry Technology Facilitator |
ITF | Industrial Training Fund (Nigeria) |
ITF | Intermodal Transportation Facility (various locations) |
ITF | Integrated Test Facility |
ITF | Implementation Task Force |
ITF | International Tae Kwon-Do Federation |
ITF | Internal Transfer of Funds (banking) |
ITF | Integration Task Force |
ITF | Infratemporal Fossa |
ITF | Indianapolis Teaching Fellows (Indianapolis, IN) |
ITF | Integrated Test Force |
ITF | International Turntable Federation |
ITF | International Toll-Free (telephone service) |
ITF | International Tang Soo Do Federation |
ITF | Intelligence Task Force |
ITF | International Training Fellow (Junior Chamber International) |
ITF | International Transaction Fee (various companies) |
ITF | Iraqi Turkoman Front (political group) |
ITF | Intensity Transfer Function |
ITF | India Trees Foundation |
ITF | Induction Thrust Fan |
ITF | Instrument Transfer Frame (communication protocol) |
ITF | Injazat Technology Fund (United Arab Emirates) |
ITF | Inducible Transcription Factor |
ITF | Interactive Terminal Facility |
ITF | Inventory Task Force (various organizations) |
ITF | Intra-Task Force |
ITF | Interaural Transfer Function |
ITF | International Thespian Festival |
ITF | Information Technology Facility |
ITF | In True Friendship (German raphic designers) |
ITF | Isothermal Furnace |
ITF | Ionia Temporary Facility (Michigan Department of Corrections) |
ITF | Interlocation Transfer of Funds (funds transfer between locations; University of California) |
ITF | Incomplete Test Frame |
ITF | Interconnect Technology Format |
ITF | IT (Information Technology) Frontier Corporation (Japan) |
ITF | Information Technology Foundation, Inc. (Silver Spring, MD) |
ITF | Industrial Test Facility (AMSEC) |
ITF | Independent Transient Fault |
ITF | Integration Training Facilities |
ITF | Interconnection Task Force (NRC) |
ITF | International Tuberculosis Foundation, Inc. (Chicago, IL) |
ITF | Inspection Transaction File |
ITF | INFOSEC Training Facility |
ITF | Integration Test Facility/Folder |
ITF | International Testing Forum |
ITF | Integration Test Function |