Acronym | Definition |
ILR | International Law Reports |
ILR | Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (French: Luxembourg Institute of Regulation; Luxembourg) |
ILR | Industrial and Labor Relations (Cornell University school) |
ILR | Indefinite Leave to Remain (United Kingdom) |
ILR | Independent Living Resources (various locations) |
ILR | Institute for Legal Reform |
ILR | Iowa Law Review (University of Iowa; Iowa City, IA) |
ILR | Institute for Learning in Retirement |
ILR | Interagency Language Roundtable |
ILR | Independent Local Radio |
ILR | Individualised Learner Record (UK) |
ILR | InLine Leach Reactor (Gekko) |
ILR | Implantable Loop Recorder (heart rhythm monitor) |
ILR | Intelligent Light Ranging (vehicle feature) |
ILR | Intelligent Long Range (Identec Solutions, Inc.) |
ILR | International Law Review (Washington College of Law, American University; Washington, DC) |
ILR | Inflatable Life Raft |
ILR | Institut Für Luft – Und Raumfahrt (German:Institute and Chair of Aerospace Engineering) |
ILR | International Llama Registry |
ILR | Industrial and Labour Relations |
ILR | Institute for Labour Research (UK) |
ILR | Intrinsic Level Recovery |
ILR | Item Level Restriction (game, RPG) |
ILR | Ice-Lined Refrigerator (preservation and storage) |
ILR | Interworking Location Register (Ericsson, Inc.) |
ILR | IBM Library Reader |
ILR | Indian Law Reports |
ILR | Integrated Logistics Review |
ILR | Indonesian Law Reporter |
ILR | International Lineman's Rodeo |
ILR | Immediate Loss Reporting (insurance) |
ILR | Institute of Law Research (Vietnam) |
ILR | Israel Law Reports |
ILR | Institute for Law & Religion (Belgium) |