APHAmerican Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
APHAustralian Parliament House (Australia)
APHAirport Parking and Hotels (UK)
APHActual Production History
APHAsia Pacific Holdings (various organizations)
APHAxis Powers Hetalia (manga)
APHAcyl Peptide Hydrolase (protein)
APHAssociation of Personal Historians
APHAdvanced Practice Pharmacist (California)
APHAntepartum Hemorrhage
APHAsbestos, Pollution and Health Hazard (legal claims)
APHAir Pre-Heater
APHArnold Palmer Hospital (Orlando, FL)
APHAdvanced Practitioner of Homeopathy (certification)
APHArabian Park Hotel (United Arab Emirates)
APHAssociação Paulista de Homeopatia (São Paulo, Brazil)
APHApplied Public Health (various organizations)
APHAsociación Pediatrica Hondureña (Spanish: Honduran Pediatric Association)
APHHospital Transport (naval ship type)
APHAcute Partial Hospitalization (psychiatry)
APHAccounting Procedures Handbook
APHCabinet Appointments and Honours Committee (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet; New Zealand)
APHAdiabatically Adjusting, Principal Axis, Hyperspherical Coordinates
APHAssociation Promotion Hockey (France)
APHAssociation des Plaisanciers de Hérel (French boating association)
APHAviator's Protective Helmet
APHAmbrose Powell Hill (Army Base, Bowling Green, Virginia)
APHA Pleasurable Headache (Matthew Good Band community)
APHAloha Peace House (Honolulu, HI)
APHAssociation de Prêt d'Honneur du Département de Côte d'Or (French loan association)