Acronym | Definition |
IAA | Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung (German automobile show) |
IAA | International Advertising Association |
IAA | Israel Antiquities Authority |
IAA | Insurance Auto Auctions |
IAA | International Actuarial Association (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) |
IAA | International Academy of Astronautics (Paris, France) |
IAA | Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia |
IAA | International Association of Art (various organizations) |
IAA | Indoleacetic Acid |
IAA | Industrie Agro-Alimentaire |
IAA | Intel Application Accelerator (software) |
IAA | Institute for Applied Autonomy |
IAA | International Arbitration Act (Singapore) |
IAA | Initial Address Acknowledgement |
IAA | Intel Application Accelerator |
IAA | Internationalen Automobil Ausstellung |
IAA | International Achievement Awards (Industrial Fabric Association International) |
IAA | Institute of Actuaries of Australia |
IAA | Interagency Agreement(s) |
IAA | Insurance Application Architecture (insurance) |
IAA | Interactive Achievement Awards (Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences) |
IAA | Instituto Antartico Argentino (Spanish: Argentine Antarctic Institute; Argentina) |
IAA | Investment Adviser Association (formerly Investment Counsel Association of America) |
IAA | I Am Alive (emergency system) |
IAA | International Aerospace Abstracts |
IAA | Indianapolis Airport Authority |
IAA | Igarka (Russia) |
IAA | Interrupted Aortic Arch (genetic heart defect) |
IAA | Intra-Abdominal Adiposity |
IAA | Ishikawa Alumni Association (Japan) |
IAA | Information about Alaska |
IAA | Insulin Autoantibody |
IAA | Illinois Alternate Assessment (education) |
IAA | Irrigation Association of Australia |
IAA | International Academy of Architecture |
IAA | Interlochen Arts Academy |
IAA | I Am Awsome |
IAA | International Award Association |
IAA | Indiana Apartment Association (Indianapolis, IN) |
IAA | Identification and Authentication |
IAA | Israeli Airports Authority |
IAA | Information Assurance Advisory (US NSA) |
IAA | Integrated Agriculture Aquaculture |
IAA | Information Assurance Awareness (formerly known as Security Awareness, Training and Education program) |
IAA | International Authentication Association (trade association) |
IAA | Interim Administration of Afghanistan |
IAA | Israel Association of Actuaries |
IAA | Idyllwild Arts Academy (Idyllwild, California) |
IAA | Ivey Alumni Association (Canada) |
IAA | Investment Advisors Act of 1940 |
IAA | Illinois Arts Alliance |
IAA | Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs (Canada) |
IAA | Information Appliance Associates (California) |
IAA | Islamic Affairs Analyst (publication) |
IAA | International Assignment Agreement |
IAA | Indie Artists Alliance (Castro Valley, CA) |
IAA | Inter-Country Adoption Act (2000) |
IAA | Idaho Aquaculture Association |
IAA | I Am Away |
IAA | I Absolutely Agree |
IAA | Islamic Action Association |
IAA | International Air Academy |
IAA | Islamic Academy of Alabama (Birmingham, Alabama) |
IAA | Institute for Alternative Agriculture |
IAA | Indiana Aquaculture Association |
IAA | Incident Awareness and Assessment |
IAA | Interview and Advocacy Assessment (UK) |
IAA | Interconnected Accredited AIS |
IAA | I Am Annoyed |
IAA | Interim Approval Authorization |
IAA | Inactive Aircraft Authorization |
IAA | Integrated Audit/Appraisal |
IAA | Inter-American Association of Accountants |
IAA | Internet Alcoholics Anonymous |
IAA | Installation Application Administrator |
IAA | Integration and Assembly |
IAA | IUSS Acoustic Analysis |
IAA | Identification, Authentication and Authorisation (IT security) |
IAA | Intelligence Analysis Application |
IAA | Inflatable Array Antenna |
IAA | Internet Application Architect |