Acronym | Definition |
IPT | Integrated Product Team |
IPT | Internet Protocol Telephony (IP Telephony) |
IPT | iPod touch |
IPT | Interpersonal Psychotherapy (short-term treatment) |
IPT | Institut Pengajian Tinggi (Malay: Institute of Higher Education) |
IPT | Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (Portugese: Institute of Technological Research, São Paulo, Brazil) |
IPT | Insurance Premium Tax |
IPT | Institute of Physics and Technology (various locations) |
IPT | Institutional Testing Program |
IPT | Intermittent Preventive Treatment |
IPT | Integrated Project Team |
IPT | Investigatory Powers Tribunal (UK) |
IPT | International Pool Tour |
IPT | Ip Telephony |
IPT | Inphase Technologies |
IPT | Immovable Property Tax |
IPT | Insulin Potentiation Therapy |
IPT | Investor Protection Trust |
IPT | Immersive Projection Technology |
IPT | In-Port |
IPT | Integrated Process Team |
IPT | Institute for Professionals in Taxation |
IPT | International Phone Traders |
IPT | Institut für Produktionstechnik |
IPT | International Passenger Terminal (various locations) |
IPT | Idea Proficiency Test (Ballard & Tighe language proficiency assessment) |
IPT | Infant Potty Training |
IPT | Indiana Physical Therapy |
IPT | Integrated Program Team |
IPT | Information Processes and Technology |
IPT | Information, Processing and Technology |
IPT | Integrated Procedure Trainer (avionics) |
IPT | Plan Informatique Pour Tous (French: Information Plan for All; also seen as PIPT) |
IPT | International Practical Temperature (scale) |
IPT | Innovative Process Technology |
IPT | International Pipe Thread (fitting) |
IPT | Intellectual Property & Technology (UK legal) |
IPT | Integrated Planning Team |
IPT | Ideal Process Time |
IPT | Iraq Peace Team |
IPT | Intermediate Pressure Turbine |
IPT | Institute for Pastoral Theology (Ave Maria University; Ave Maria, FL) |
IPT | Institut für Prüftechnik (plastics industry company, Todtenweis, Germany) |
IPT | Intermittent Presumptive Therapy |
IPT | Internal Passive Turret (oil exploration) |
IPT | Intermediate Public Transport (alternative urban transit) |
IPT | IDEA Personal Trainer (fitness publication) |
IPT | Williamsport, PA, USA - Williamsport Lycoming Municipal (Airport Code) |
IPT | Implementation Planning Team |
IPT | Inverted Page Table |
IPT | Iron Pipe Thread |
IPT | International Police Technologies |
IPT | Interactive Product Tour (various companies) |
IPT | India Poker Tour (competition) |
IPT | Individual Proficiency Test |
IPT | Items Per Transaction |
IPT | Initial Production Test |
IPT | In Plant Testing |
IPT | Illinois Prison Talk (family support forum) |
IPT | Image Perspective Transformation |
IPT | In-Plant Testing |
IPT | International Power Technology, Inc. |
IPT | International Publications Trust |
IPT | In Process Transactions |
IPT | Imaging Providers of Texas |
IPT | Industrial Precision Tools |
IPT | Intermediate Pigging Station |
IPT | Installation Planning Team |
IPT | Inter-Prison Transport |
IPT | Internet Protocol Trunk |
IPT | Infrared Plume Target |
IPT | Identity Protection Technology (Intel Corp.) |
IPT | Instrument Procedures Trainer |
IPT | Intense Physical Training |
IPT | In-Plant Team |
IPT | Infirmité Permanente Totale (French: Permanent Total Disability) |
IPT | Indemnité pour Perte de Traitement (French: Compensation for Loss of Salary) |