Acronym | Definition |
IMA | I Might Add |
IMA | Inverse Multiplexing over ATM |
IMA | Interactive Multimedia Association |
IMA | Indianapolis Museum of Art |
IMA | Installation Management Agency (US Army) |
IMA | Incentive Marketing Association (Naperville, IL) |
IMA | Instant Messaging Application (software) |
IMA | Investment Management Association (UK) |
IMA | Institute for Mathematics and its Applications |
IMA | Indian Medical Association |
IMA | Instrumental Methods of Analysis (conference) |
IMA | Island Mountain Arts (Canada) |
IMA | Institut du Monde Arabe (French: Arab World Institute) |
IMA | Indian Military Academy |
IMA | International Military Antiques (collectibles) |
IMA | Integrated Motor Assist (Honda hybrids) |
IMA | Internal Mammary Artery |
IMA | Independent Management Architecture |
IMA | Independent Music Awards (annual) |
IMA | Investment Management and Advisory |
IMA | Integrated Moving Average (forecasting model) |
IMA | Isuzu Motors America (Isuzu Motors, Ltd.) |
IMA | International Management Association |
IMA | Image File |
IMA | Integrated Motor Assist |
IMA | International Multimedia Association |
IMA | Intermediate Maintenance Activities |
IMA | Internet Merchant Accounts |
IMA | Individual Mobilization Augmentee |
IMA | Interactive Marketing Association (various locations) |
IMA | Investment Management Account (finance) |
IMA | International Mineralogical Association |
IMA | Integrated Modular Avionics |
IMA | Interactive Media Awards (New York, NY) |
IMA | Inferior Mesenteric Artery |
IMA | International Mergers and Acquisitions (Scottsdale, AZ) |
IMA | Israel Medical Association |
IMA | Institute of Modern Art (Australia) |
IMA | International Market Access (various locations) |
IMA | Iinternational Marketing Association (Virgina Beach, VA) |
IMA | Internet Marketing Agentur (German: Internet Marketing Agency) |
IMA | Inverse Multiplexing for ATM |
IMA | Institute of Marine Affairs (Trinidad and Tobago) |
IMA | Intermediate Maintenance Activity |
IMA | Ischemia Modified Albumin (Ischemia Technologies Inc.) |
IMA | Internal Martial Arts |
IMA | Informatics Association |
IMA | Intramural Activities |
IMA | Internet Merchant Account |
IMA | Internet Merchants Association (trade association) |
IMA | Infarto Miocardico Acuto (Italian: Acute Myocardial Infarction) |
IMA | International Magnesium Association (est. 1948; Wauconda, IL) |
IMA | Independent Monitoring Agency |
IMA | Institute for Media Analysis (est. 1986) |
IMA | Investment Management Agreement (finance) |
IMA | International Marinelife Alliance (USA) |
IMA | Information Mission Area |
IMA | Integrated Marketing Advertising |
IMA | Isuzu Motors Asia (vehicles) |
IMA | Irregular Maritime Arrival (Australia) |
IMA | Intermunicipal Agreement (state governments) |
IMA | Inter Mutuelle Assistance (French: International Mutual Assistance) |
IMA | Ideal Mechanical Advantage |
IMA | International MIDI Association |
IMA | Indiana Manufacturers Association (Indianapolis, Indiana) |
IMA | Internet Marketing Associates |
IMA | Integrity Measurement Architecture (Linux software implementation) |
IMA | Idaho Medical Association (Since 1893; Boise, Idaho) |
IMA | Invasive Management Area |
IMA | Independent Mortgage Adviser (real estate) |
IMA | Individually Managed Account |
IMA | Internal Maxillary Artery |
IMA | Interchurch Medical Assistance, Inc. (New Windsor, MA) |
IMA | Institute for the Musical Arts |
IMA | Institute of Management Accountants, Inc. |
IMA | International Music Academy (various locations) |
IMA | Ion Mass Analyzer |
IMA | Idaho Mining Association |
IMA | Integrated Microwave Assembly |
IMA | Icelandic Medical Association (Kópavogur, Iceland) |
IMA | Information Management Area |
IMA | International Music Association |
IMA | Iowa Museum Association |
IMA | Information Management Architecture |
IMA | Illinois Mycological Association |
IMA | Injected Metal Assembly |
IMA | Indonesian Medical Association |
IMA | Institute of Municipal Assessors (Canada) |
IMA | International Maritime Association |
IMA | Indian Management Academy (India) |
IMA | Intelligent Mobile Agent |
IMA | Interfaith Ministers Association (UK) |
IMA | International Microsimulation Association (est. 2005) |
IMA | International Mountainboard Association |
IMA | Input Message Acknowledgement (ITU-T) |
IMA | International Messaging Associates Corporation |
IMA | Inventory Management Associate |
IMA | Ineffective Machine Attempts |
IMA | Information Management Agency (US Army NGB) |
IMA | International Mycologycal Association |
IMA | Institute Men's Association (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints single men's group) |
IMA | Implementation Management Authority |
IMA | Intelligent Maintenance Aid |
IMA | Ian MacDonald Architect, Inc. (Canada; est. 1984) |
IMA | International Monovision Association |
IMA | Idaho Military Academy |
IMA | Incident Management Activity |
IMA | Identity Management Application (computer security) |
IMA | Institute of Mexicans Abroad |
IMA | Input Module Arbiter |
IMA | Indústria Metalomecânica do Ave Lda (Portugal) |
IMA | Independent Medical Assessor |
IMA | Intermodal Marketing Association |
IMA | Intelligence Mission Analysis |
IMA | Installation Maintenance Activity |
IMA | Independent Marketing Area |
IMA | Independent Manufacturing Assessment |
IMA | International Medical Alliance, Inc. (Rancho Mirage, California) |
IMA | Inginerie si Menagement in Agroturism (Romania) |
IMA | Intermediate Maintenance Action |
IMA | International Mobility Awards (education) |
IMA | Immediate Medical Associates (walk-in medical clinics) |