Acronym | Definition |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ARP | Alcohol Recovery Project (London, UK) |
ARP | Addiction Recovery Program (various locations) |
ARP | ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) Rendezvous Pre-development |
ARP | Antenna Reference Point (global positioning system) |
ARP | Air Raid Precautions |
ARP | Advanced Research Projects (various meanings) |
ARP | Advance Reservation Period (railways; India) |
ARP | Arpeggiator |
ARP | Action Research Project (various locations) |
ARP | Arapahoe (SIL code) |
ARP | Attica Raceway Park (Ohio) |
ARP | Accidental Release Prevention |
ARP | Automotive Racing Products |
ARP | Acid Rain Program (US EPA) |
ARP | Adaptive Routing Protocol |
ARP | Active Rollover Protection |
ARP | anti Relay Protection |
ARP | Adaptive Resource Provider |
ARP | Aerospace Recommended Practice |
ARP | Alternative Retirement Plan |
ARP | American Registry of Pathology |
ARP | Automatic Renewal Program (various organizations) |
ARP | Angle-Resolved Photoemission |
ARP | Association for Research in Personality |
ARP | Angry Red Planet (online science fiction mystery) |
ARP | Anti Revolutionaire Partij (Netherlands) |
ARP | Association of Retired Persons (UK) |
ARP | Aluminum Racing Products |
ARP | Auteurs, Réalisateurs, Producteurs (French: Authors, Directors, Producers) |
ARP | American Reform Party |
ARP | Acreage Reduction Program |
ARP | All-Requirements Project |
ARP | Artist Residency Program |
ARP | Adjustable-Rate Preferred Stock |
ARP | Antiretroviral Therapy |
ARP | Access Responsible Party (energy industry) |
ARP | Aseguradora de Riesgos Profesionales (Spanish: Professional Risk Insurance) |
ARP | Airport Reference Point |
ARP | Attribute Release Policy (various schools) |
ARP | Area Redevelopment Plan |
ARP | Accelerated Reader Program (education) |
ARP | Acquisition Review Process (various US federal agencies) |
ARP | Air Refueling Point (US DoD) |
ARP | Auction Rate Preferred (stocks) |
ARP | Another RDF Parser |
ARP | Asynchronous Request Processing (computing) |
ARP | Agent de Recherches Privées (French: Private Investigator) |
ARP | Agricultural Rehabilitation Project (various organizations) |
ARP | Advanced Reporting Package (Vitel) |
ARP | Association de Recherche sur la Polyarthrite |
ARP | Autoradiopuhelin (Finnish: Car Radio Phone) |
ARP | Adrian's Rojak Pot (Malaysian technology news website) |
ARP | Average Retail Price |
ARP | Annual Report on Privatization (Canada) |
ARP | Absolute Refractory Period |
ARP | Art of Record Production (Conference) |
ARP | Accounts Receivable Purchase |
ARP | American Research Products, Inc. |
ARP | Allegheny Riverfront Park (Pittsburgh, PA) |
ARP | Accidental Release Program |
ARP | American Recording Productions |
ARP | Ammunition Refilling Point |
ARP | Aménagement des Routes Principales (French: Arrangement of Main Roads) |
ARP | Alliance for Retirement Prosperity |
ARP | Australian Reform Party |
ARP | Accidental Risk Prevention (California Goveror's Office of Emergency Services) |
ARP | Affected Relative Pair |
ARP | Active Reservation Protocol |
ARP | Animal Resource Program |
ARP | Airborne Reconnaissance Platform |
ARP | Antenna Radiation Pattern |
ARP | Accreditation Review Panel |
ARP | Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church |
ARP | Apprentissage par Résolution de Problèmes |
ARP | Auxiliary Register Pointer |
ARP | Assisted Rental Program |
ARP | Autonomous Reuse Partitioning |
ARP | Alan R. Perlman (founder of ARP Instruments) |
ARP | Account Reconciliation Plan |
ARP | Ancillary Radiometric Product |
ARP | Anti-Radiation Projectile |
ARP | Asset Recovery Program |
ARP | Action Replay Pro |
ARP | Ambulance Radio Programme (UK) |
ARP | Acquisition Requirements Package |
ARP | Algorithm Research Panel |
ARP | Alternate Release Procedures |
ARP | Association for Rational Psychology |
ARP | Austrian Railway Pictureteam |
ARP | Army Radiation Permit |
ARP | Automatic Rapid Processing (algorithm for generating cross-section libraries to use with ORIGEN-S) |
ARP | Associate Reserve Planner |
ARP | Almost Regular Permutation |
ARP | Analisador de Redes de Petri (Portuguese: Petri Net Analyser) |
ARP | Allocation and Retention Priority (3GPP policy) |
ARP | Absorption Refrigeration Plant |
ARP | Architecture Professional Studies |
ARP | Alarm Response Procedure (various organizations) |
ARP | Auto Rétro Passion (French automobile club; Mauges, France) |
ARP | Automotive Repair Parts |
ARP | Atlantic Regional Panel (JOIDES) |
ARP | Age Replacement Policy |
ARP | Absolute Return Pool (The Investment Fund for Foundations) |
ARP | AIDS Response Program |
ARP | Amphibious Reconnaissance Platoon (US Marine Corps) |
ARP | Accountable Representation for the People (Australian Reform Party) |
ARP | Anti-Revolutionnaire Partij |
ARP | Analytical Rework Program |
ARP | Assault Recovery Program |
ARP | Authorized Resource Provider |
ARP | Anciennes Roues Pontchâtelaines (French automobile club; Ponchâteau, France) |
ARP | Autonomous Robotic Platform |
ARP | AIMS Report Processing |
ARP | Antenna Reference Pulse (radar) |
ARP | Argentina (Old) Peso (national currency since 1970; replaced by Austral 1985) |
ARP | Agricus Resource Program |
ARP | Office of Advanced Reactor Programs |
ARP | Aircrew Respiratory Protection |
ARP | Army Research Plan |
ARP | Antegrade Refractory Period |
ARP | Atlantic Racquet Press |
ARP | Art Research Program |
ARP | Accelerated Requalification Program |
ARP | Academic Resource Person |
ARP | Autoroutes Routes Parkings (signal) |
ARP | Asphalt Replacement Pellets |
ARP | Actual Reduction to Practice |
ARP | Automated Release Processing (NASA) |
ARP | Automatic Reporting Post |
ARP | Acronym Reduction Program |
ARP | Alternate Resolution Plan (Sprint) |
ARP | Automatic Result Processing |
ARP | Annual Rate of Payment |
ARP | Arsenic Research Partnership |
ARP | Association Région Payerne |
ARP | Airman Retraining Program |
ARP | Ardsma Research and Publishing |
ARP | Admodum Reverendi Patris (title accorded to certain clergy in the Roman Catholic Church) |
ARP | Army Recreational Parks |
ARP | Albanian Republican Party |
ARP | Automated Report Processing (EPSIIA Corp.) |