Acronym | Definition |
ICI | Investment Company Institute |
ICI | Institute on Community Integration (University of Minnesota) |
ICI | Institute for Community Inclusion (University of Massachusetts, Boston) |
ICI | Imposta Comunale sugli Immobili (Italian tax on buildings) |
ICI | International Crankshaft, Inc. (Georgetown, KY) |
ICI | International Climate Initiative |
ICI | Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (NATO) |
ICI | Investment Casting Institute |
ICI | Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional |
ICI | Imperial Chemical Industries PLC |
ICI | Image Component Information |
ICI | Intracervical Insemination |
ICI | Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor |
ICI | Infrared Cameras, Inc. (Beaumont TX) |
ICI | India China Institute (New School; New York) |
ICI | Institutional/Commercial/Industrial (zoning) |
ICI | International Consulting, Inc. (various locations) |
ICI | Inter Carrier Interference |
ICI | Istanbul Chamber of Industry (est. 1952; Istanbul, Turkey) |
ICI | Invertebrate Community Index |
ICI | International Communications, Inc. (various locations) |
ICI | Inter-Carrier Interface (ATM) |
ICI | Inter-Channel Interference |
ICI | I'll Cry Instead (Beatles song) |
ICI | International Compact for Iraq (UN) |
ICI | Information Communication Infrastructure |
ICI | International Commerce Institute (Brussels, Belgium) |
ICI | Institut Canadien des Ingénieurs (French) |
ICI | Intracortical Inhibition |
ICI | Islamic Cultural Institute (various locations) |
ICI | Infrared Cloud Imager |
ICI | Interface Control Information |
ICI | International Correspondence Institute |
ICI | Institute for Civic Involvement (Florida) |
ICI | Innovative Concepts, Inc |
ICI | Institute of Criminal Investigation |
ICI | International Computerware, Inc. (Marlborough, MA) |
ICI | International Conference in Central Asia on Internet |
ICI | Information Conservation, Inc. (bookbinding; North Carolina) |
ICI | In-Core Instrumentation |
ICI | Islamic Center of Irving (Texas) |
ICI | Investment Corporation of India |
ICI | International Charter Incorporated of Oregon |
ICI | Industrial Chemicals Inc. |
ICI | International Cosmetic Ingredient |
ICI | Industrial Computing Initiative (LLNL, LANL, Cray, et al) |
ICI | Iligan Computer Institute (Iligan City, Philippines) |
ICI | Incoming Call Identification |
ICI | Institute of Chemistry of Ireland |
ICI | Ice Cold Ice |
ICI | InterCultural Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland) |
ICI | Independent Certified Instructor (Baby Signs, Inc.; Vacaville, CA) |
ICI | Institut Colonial International (French: International Colonial Institute) |
ICI | International Communicology Institute (human science) |
ICI | Initial Command Inspection |
ICI | Inter-Exchange Carrier Interface (Bellcore) |
ICI | Intercycle Interval |
ICI | Ideas and Concepts, Inc. |
ICI | Interactive Communications Interface |
ICI | Internal Class Implementation |
ICI | Instituto Ciência da Informação |
ICI | Industrial Commission of Illinois |
ICI | Indiana Chess Institute |
ICI | Instituto de Computación Integral (Guatemalan school) |
ICI | Incense Cedar Institute |
ICI | Integration Communications International, Inc. |
ICI | iCatchIT (Business Process Outsourcing) |
ICI | Internal Controls Investigation |
ICI | Initial Capabilities Inspection |
ICI | International Code Identifier |
ICI | Intelligent Communication Interface |
ICI | Industrial Composites, Inc. (various locations) |
ICI | Islamic Counterterrorism Institute |