Acronym | Definition |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board |
IAB | Interactive Advertising Bureau |
IAB | Internet Advertising Bureau |
IAB | Internet Activities Board |
IAB | Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (German: Federal Institute for Job Research) |
IAB | Institute of Arctic Biology (University of Alaska Fairbanks) |
IAB | International Accounting Bulletin (publication) |
IAB | Institute for Advanced Biosciences (Keio University; Japan) |
IAB | Impact Assessment Board (EU) |
IAB | I Am Bored |
IAB | Intra-Aortic Balloon (catheter) |
IAB | Intranet in a Box |
IAB | Interagency Board (Equipment Standardization and InterOperability) |
IAB | Industrial Advisory Board |
IAB | International Association of Book-Keepers |
IAB | Industrial Accident Board (various locations) |
IAB | Internal Affairs Bureau |
IAB | Irish Agrément Board (National Standards Authority of Ireland) |
IAB | Interagency Advisory Board |
IAB | Industrial Automation Business (various companies) |
IAB | McConnell AFB (Airport Code) |
IAB | Internet Advisory Board |
IAB | Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil (Brazil) |
IAB | I Am Back |
IAB | International Arrivals Building (airports) |
IAB | International Association of Bioethics |
IAB | Innovation Advisory Board |
IAB | Immigration Appeals Board |
IAB | International Association of Broadcasting |
IAB | Industry Advisory Body (Australia) |
IAB | Internet Advertising Board |
IAB | Iomega Automatic Backup (software) |
IAB | Indexed Annuity Bond (investment; Australia) |
IAB | Investment Approvals Board (UK MOD) |
IAB | Infantry Assault Bridge |
IAB | Island-Arc Basalt (earth science) |
IAB | Incentive Awards Board |
IAB | Individual Address Block |
IAB | Internet Audio Broadcasting (One-way audio option for webconferencing) |
IAB | Intake Air Bypass |
IAB | Interagency Airtanker Board (National Interagency Aviation Council) |
IAB | International Abstracting Board |
IAB | Information Assurance Bulletins |
IAB | Internetwork Architecture Board |
IAB | It's All Bollocks (UK slang) |