IMSSInstituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Spanish: Mexican Social Security Institute)
IMSSIstituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza (Italian)
IMSSInterScan Messaging Security Suite
IMSSInternational Museum of Surgical Science
IMSSInternational Mass Spectrometry Society
IMSSInternet and Management Support for Storage
IMSSInstitute of Materials Structure Science (Japan)
IMSSImmigrant and Multicultural Services Society (Prince George, British Columbia, Canada)
IMSSIndependence Marketing Systems and Solutions (software)
IMSSIrish Mass Spectrometry Society
IMSSInformation Management Systems & Services
IMSSInternational Medical Support Services
IMSSInternational Macrobiotic Shiatsu Society
IMSSImage Management Systems and Support Corporation
IMSSInternational Maritime Service & Survey Ltd. (various locations)
IMSSIntermountain States Seminar
IMSSInstitut Municipal de Serveis Socials (French)
IMSSImporta Madres Su Salud (México)
IMSSInter-Movement Support System
IMSSInformation Management and Security Staff (US Department of Justice)
IMSSIntegrated Mission Support System
IMSSInternet Multimedia Sprachensystem (German)
IMSSInternational Math and Science Study
IMSSIntegrated Management Safety Standards
IMSSImproved Modular Sleeping System (US Army)