Acronym | Definition |
IEP | International Environmental Policy (various schools) |
IEP | Institute for Environmental Policy (various locations) |
IEP | Intensive English Program |
IEP | Individual Education Plan (various locations) |
IEP | Institut d'Etudes Politiques (French) |
IEP | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (est. 1995) |
IEP | Individualized Educational Program (various schools) |
IEP | Institut für Europäische Politik |
IEP | Institute of Experimental Physics (various schools) |
IEP | Institute for European Policy (think-tank) |
IEP | International Education Programs (Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL) |
IEP | Irish Pound (old currency code; replaced by EUR) |
IEP | Institutional Effectiveness and Planning (various organizations) |
IEP | Institutional Evaluation Programme (European University Association) |
IEP | Isoelectric Point |
IEP | Instituto de Ecología Politica (Portuguese: Institute of Political Ecology; Chile) |
IEP | Initial Enrollment Period (Medicare; US DHHS) |
IEP | Immunoelectrophoresis |
IEP | Interagency Ecological Program |
IEP | International Exchange Program |
IEP | International Energy Programme (various locations) |
IEP | Independent Energy Producers |
IEP | International Expert Panel |
IEP | Intermodal Equipment Provider |
IEP | Intelligent Event Processor (software) |
IEP | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEP | Integrated Environmental Planning (various organizations) |
IEP | Investor Education Program (various locations) |
IEP | Instituto das Estradas de Portugal |
IEP | Intercity Express Program (British Department for Transport; UK) |
IEP | Immune Enhancement Project (San Francisco, CA) |
IEP | In English, Please |
IEP | Invasive Exotic Plant (various organizations) |
IEP | Interpreter Education Program |
IEP | Instituto Electrotécnico Português |
IEP | International Education Policy |
IEP | International Engineering Project |
IEP | Intervalo entre Partos (Portuguese: Interval between Parties) |
IEP | Industrial Electronic Products (Switzerland) |
IEP | Interferometric Endpoint |
IEP | Institute of Engineers Pakistan (est. 1948) |
IEP | Ingestion Exposure Pathway |
IEP | Intergovernmental Enterprise Panel |
IEP | Internationally Educated Professional (Canada) |
IEP | Initial Election Period (US Medicare) |
IEP | Individual(ized) Education Plan (aka Individual(ized) Education/al Program) |
IEP | Inverse Eigenvalue Problem |
IEP | Independent Evaluation Plan |
IEP | INPUT Executive Program (contracting membership program) |
IEP | Integrated Engineering Process |
IEP | Independent Expert Panel |
IEP | Internet Enabled Phone |
IEP | Integrated Engineering Program |
IEP | Initial Entry Party (first military HAZMAT reconnaissance in hot zone) |
IEP | Internet Event Provider |
IEP | Installation Engineering Plan |
IEP | Inspection Éducation Primaire (French) |
IEP | Information Exchange Program/Project |
IEP | Interior Equivalent Problem |
IEP | Innovative Employee Programs |
IEP | Immune Enhancing Peptide |
IEP | International Emotes Project (Internet emoticon project) |