Acronym | Definition |
AWR | Advances in Water Resources (Elsevier publication) |
AWR | Australian Wood Review (magazine) |
AWR | Algemene Wet Inzake Rijksbelastingen (Dutch: General State Tax Law; Netherlands) |
AWR | Automatic Workload Repository (Oracle database) |
AWR | American States Water Company (also seen as ASWC; San Dimas, CA) |
AWR | Automatic Workload Repository |
AWR | Active Web Reader |
AWR | Adventist World Radio |
AWR | Applied Wave Research (El Segundo, CA) |
AWR | American Wrestling Rampage |
AWR | American Warmblood Registry |
AWR | Alliance for the Wild Rockies (conservation group, Missoula, MT) |
AWR | Airworthiness Release |
AWR | Army War Reserve |
AWR | Annual Wage Reporting |
AWR | Advanced Warranty Replacement |
AWR | Agent Web Ranking (software) |
AWR | Automated Work Request |
AWR | Air Weapon Range |
AWR | Anthony Woodford Racing |
AWR | Animal Welfare Regulation |
AWR | Additional Work Request |
AWR | Alaskan Wildlife Refuge |
AWR | Arctic Wildlife Refuge |
AWR | Ammunition War Reserve |
AWR | Authorised Weight Regulations (UK) |
AWR | Automatic Work Request |
AWR | Awakened Radio |
AWR | Average Weighted Reward |
AWR | Allowed With Restrictions |