Acronym | Definition |
IAD | Internal Affairs Division (police) |
IAD | Integrated Access Device |
IAD | Inflammatory Airway Disease (horses) |
IAD | Integrated Access Device (audiocodes) |
IAD | IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) Administrative Director |
IAD | Istruzione a Distanza (Italian: Distance Education) |
IAD | Islamic Affairs Department (various organizations) |
IAD | Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis |
IAD | Internet Addiction Disorder |
IAD | Investment Advice Diploma (various locations) |
IAD | Interface Association Descriptor |
IAD | International Automobile Design |
IAD | Internet Accessible Database |
IAD | Interaural Amplitude Difference |
IAD | Interface Analysis Document |
IAD | Identifier Already Declared |
IAD | Implementation Artifact Descriptor |
IAD | Illness Anxiety Disorder (psychology) |
IAD | Inter-American Division (Seventh-day Adventist) |
IAD | Ion-Assisted Deposition |
IAD | Inter-American Dialogue |
IAD | Iraqi Army Division |
IAD | It All Depends |
IAD | Immigration Appeal Division (Canada) |
IAD | Internal Audit Division |
IAD | Instituto Agrario Dominicano |
IAD | Interstate Agreement on Detainers |
IAD | Internet Access Device |
IAD | Information and Analysis Division (various meanings) |
IAD | International Association for Danube Research |
IAD | Internet Address Detectors (Mac OS) |
IAD | Iterative Application Development |
IAD | International Automotive Design |
IAD | Independent ATM Deployer |
IAD | Illinois Association of the Deaf |
IAD | Index of American Design |
IAD | International Academy of Design |
IAD | Internet Autopsy Database |
IAD | Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung (German: International Association for Danube Research) |
IAD | Indiana Association of the Deaf |
IAD | Interest Accrual Date (finance) |
IAD | Iowa Association of the Deaf |
IAD | Implementation Artifact Descriptor (computing) |
IAD | International Affairs Directorate |
IAD | Iterative Aggregation-Disaggregation |
IAD | Washington, DC, USA - Washington-Dulles International (Airport Code) |
IAD | It's a Date |
IAD | Immediate Action Directive |
IAD | Information Access and Delivery |
IAD | Intelligent Access Devices (Motorola) |
IAD | Índice Anti-Detonante (Portuguese: anti-knock index) |
IAD | Idaho Association of the Deaf |
IAD | Interface Agreement Document |
IAD | International Amphibian Days |
IAD | India/Asia Decollement |
IAD | Inband Amplitude Dispersion |
IAD | Internet Acronym Dictionary |
IAD | Intelligence Analysis Division (NFOIO) |
IAD | Industrial Aero-Derivative |
IAD | Information & Application Delivery |
IAD | Inventory Availability Date (AT&T) |
IAD | Integrated Antenna Detector |
IAD | Inventory Adjustment Document |
IAD | Initial Advance Date |
IAD | Internal Automatic Defibrillator (cardiology) |
IAD | Interface Adapter Device |
IAD | Instructor Assisted Deployement (skydiving) |
IAD | Integrated Acquisition Database |
IAD | Integrated Acoustic Display |
IAD | Inventory Adjustment Decrease |
IAD | Islamische Akademie Deutschland eV (Germany) |
IAD | Intranet/Intranet Application Development |