ICLIndian Cricket League (Mumbai, India)
ICLImplantable Contact Lens
ICLIcon Library (file extension)
ICLImplantable Collamer Lens
ICLIdea Cellular Ltd. (Aditya Birla Group; India)
ICLImperial College London
ICLInternational Computers Ltd
ICLInternational Common Language
ICLIcon Library
ICLInter Cluster Link
ICLInternational Computers Limited
ICLInternational Communist League
ICLInnovative Computing Laboratory
ICLInternational Cargo Logistics (Morocco)
ICLInstitute for Civic Leadership (New York student development organisation)
ICLImport Control List (Canada)
ICLIncome Contingent Loan
ICLInsurance Contract Law
ICLInternational Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter
ICLInterface Clear
ICLIndex to Chiropractic Literature
ICLInternet Christian Library (est. 1993)
ICLInorganic Chemistry Laboratory
ICLInteractive Computer Learning
ICLIodine Chloride
ICLInter-union Commission on the Lithosphere
ICLIn Christian Love
ICLInductive Coupled-Line
ICLInrush Current Limiter
ICLImperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London
ICLInternational Coding League (student programming group)
ICLInspection Checklist
ICLInternet Chess Library
ICLIntuition Communication Ltd. (UK)
ICLInserted Connection Loss
ICLInterface Control Layer
ICLInternational Catering Limited (UK)
ICLImage Composition Language
ICLInput Command Language
ICLIntermediate Cadet Leader (USAF ROTC)
ICLUnpaid Infant Care Leave (Singapore)
ICLIn Chat Life
ICLIndividual Country Listing (US Postal Service)
ICLInstrument Command Language Interface
ICLInductive Chain Learning (education)
ICLInternal Countermeasure Launcher
ICLIntegrated Configuration List
ICLIntra-Cluster Link
ICLInternational Cooperative Logistics
ICLInterface Control Ledge
ICLIndice de Continuité Linguistique (French: Language Continuity Index)