Acronym | Definition |
KEK | Kommission zur Ermittlung der Konzentration im Medienbereich |
KEK | Key Exchange Key |
KEK | Key Encrypting Key |
KEK | Key Encryption Key |
KEK | Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen (German: Conference of European Churches, CEC) |
KEK | Korporata Energjetike e Kosoves (Power Corporation of Kosova) |
KEK | Kollektief Eper Kunstenaars (Dutch: Diskeeper Artists Collective) |
KEK | Koh Ene Ken (Japanese:National Laboratory for High-Energy Physics) |
KEK | Koo Energy Ken (Japan) |
KEK | Kou Enerugii Butsurigaku Kenkyusho (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization; Tsukuba, Japan) |
KEK | Kuti Edwards-Kuti (Maryland) |