IOAIndependent Olympic Athlete
IOAIndian Olympic Association
IOAIslands of Adventure (Universal Studios theme park)
IOAInstitute of Archaeology (University of California, Los Angeles)
IOAInput Output Adapter
IOAInstitute on Aging (University of North Carolina)
IOAInstitute of Acoustics
IOAInstitute of Astronomy
IOAInternational Ozone Association
IOAInternational Ombudsman Association (Hillsborough, NJ)
IOAInternational Ostomy Association
IOAInformation-Oriented Architecture
IOAInterobserver Agreement (medicine)
IOAInput/Output Adapter
IOAIndiana Optometric Association
IOAIndustrial Operations Analyst (GSA job description)
IOAInternational Oversight Advisory (fictional, TV series Stargate)
IOAInvestigators of America
IOAIntegrated Operations Architecture (NASA)
IOAIoannina, Greece - Ioannina (Airport Code)
IOAIn Name Of
IOAInternational Ornithological Association
IOAInput/Output Automaton
IOAInstitute of Outdoor Advertising
IOAIntegrated Office Accounting
IOAInitial Operational Assessment
IOAInternational Olympic Athlete (2000 Olympics; now East Timor)
IOAIndependent Orbiter Assessment (Space Shuttle)
IOAIndependent Operational Assessment
IOAInductive Output Amplifier
IOAIntegrated Operation Architecture (BMS Software, Inc)
IOAImmediate Origination Approach
IOAInstrument Operating Assembly
IOAIncidence of Aggression