Acronym | Definition |
IOB | In Original Box |
IOB | Instytucji Otoczenia Biznesu (Polish: Business Environment Institutions) |
IOB | Indian Overseas Bank |
IOB | Input Output Block |
IOB | Institute of Biology |
IOB | Input/Output Block (in FPGA) |
IOB | Intelligence Oversight Board (part of President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, PFIAB) |
IOB | Inspectie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Beleidsevaluatie (Dutch: Policy and Operations) |
IOB | International Order Book (London Stock Exchange) |
IOB | Iranian Oil Bourse |
IOB | Input/Output Box |
IOB | Insulin on Board |
IOB | Institute of Banking (Saudi Arabia) |
IOB | Institute of Blogging (Oxfordshire, UK) |
IOB | Impact on Business (corporate management) |
IOB | Input Output Buffer |
IOB | Institute of Building (former name of the Chartered Institute of Building) |
IOB | Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems |
IOB | Internal Operating Budget |
IOB | Iron Ore Beneficiation |
IOB | Interoperability Branch |
IOB | Installation Operating Budget |
IOB | Industrial Order of Battle |
IOB | Impact of Build |
IOB | Inorganic, Organometallic and Bioinorganic Chemistry |