IODInstitute of Directors
IODInformation on Demand
IODInternational One Design (sailing)
IODInfrastructure on Demand (various organizations)
IODInput Output Descriptor
IODin Order Delivery
IODInstall on Demand
IODInput Output Device
IODIntimation of Disapproval (real estate permit; India)
IODIn-Order Delivery (computing)
IODInstitute on Disability (University of New Hampshire)
IODIndian Ocean Dipole (climate mode)
IODIntegrative Oceanography Division (La Jolla, CA)
IODInformation Object Definition
IODInternational Organizations Division (US CIA)
IODInjured on Duty
IODIntegrated Optical Density
IODInvestigative Operations Division (US DOJ)
IODIssue Of Data
IODIron Overload Diseases
IODIdentified Outward Dialing
IODInstall on Demand (Microsoft)
IODInput/Output Device
IODIgnition Off-Draw (automotive)
IODImage Online Design, Inc.
IODIndex of Deprivation
IODImage on Demand
IODIrrevocable Offer of Dedication
IODIsle of Dawn (gaming)
IODInstitute of Dubbology (music booking agency; Italy)
IODIndex of Distribution
IODIntelligent Output Driver (Adiabatic Logic Ltd)
IODIsle of Dread (gaming)
IODImages of Disability (UK)
IODInternational Operations Division
IODInsurance on Demand
IODInstitute of Diving
IODInnovate or Die (business competition)
IODInformation of Delivery
IODInterest on Deposit
IODIntegrated Observation Device
IODInsurance Operations Department (PBGC)
IODInitialing Outfitting Directive
IODInternational Order of DeMolay
IODIntercompany Operations Director
IODInstallation of Officers Dinner
IODInstitute of Organizational Development (Florida)
IODInteractive Organizational Directory
IODIllustrated Oxford Dictionary