IESIlluminating Engineering Society
IESInstitute of Education Sciences (US Department of Education)
IESIlluminating Engineering Society (of North America)
IESInstitute for European Studies
IESInstitute for Environment and Sustainability
IESIntegrated Engineering Software
IESIndustrial Extension Service (North Carolina State University)
IESIndependent Energy Systems (California)
IESInvestimenti e Sviluppo (Italian: Investments and Development)
IESInternational Education Society (est. 1997)
IESInternational Energy Services (various locations)
IESInstitute for Employment Studies
IESImpact of Event Scale
IESInternational English School (various locations)
IESIntegrated Engineering Solutions (various locations)
IESInternational Economic Statistics
IESIntegrated Environmental Services (Lake Forest, CA)
IESIntelligent Emulation Switching
IESIncoming E-Mail Solution
IESInter Enterprise System
IESIntegrated Enterprise System
IESIndividual Experts
IESIntegrated Enterprise Solutions
IESIntegrated Energy Services (various companies)
IESInstitute for Environmental Studies (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
IESIntegrated Electronic Systems (Eugene, OR)
IESInternational Exchange Service (various organizations)
IESIsokinetics and Exercise Science (international journal)
IESIntensive English School (various locations)
IESInstrumentation Electrical Services (Manahawkin, NJ)
IESIntergroup Exemestane Study
IESInstitute of Environmental Sciences
IESIntegrated Energy Systems (Department of Energy)
IESIEEE Industrial Electronics Society
IESInfrared Emission Spectroscopy
IESIntegrated Enterprise Solutions, Inc. (New York)
IESIndustrial Emergency Services (Baton Rouge, LA)
IESInformation Exchange System
IESInnovative Energy Services, Inc. (various locations)
IESIntelligent Educational System
IESInternational Employment Services (various locations)
IESInternational Education Software (Japan)
IESIntegrated Environmental Systems, Inc. (various companies)
IESIndian Engineering Services
IESInverted Echo Sounders
IESInnovative Equipment Solutions (various locations)
IESIndustry Executive Subcommittee
IESInstitute for Environmental Security (The Hague, Netherlands)
IESInnovative Enterprise Software
IESIndian Environmental Society (India)
IESIowa Engineering Society
IESIntelligent and Evolutionary Systems
IESIncomplete or Erroneous Specification (software quality)
IESImaging Electron Spectrometer
IESInstitute of Economics and Statistics (University of Oxford; UK)
IESImagery Exploitation Services
IESIntelligent Emulation Switching (Epson)
IESIntermediate Executive Skills
IESIndrema Entertainment System
IESImagery Exploitation Support
IESInstituto de Estudios en Seguridad (Spanish: Institute for Security Studies; Guatemala)
IESInstitutions de l'Enseignement Supérieur
IESInstitute of Engineering Science
IESIndustrial Engineering Standard
IESiPlanet Enterprise Server
IESInterfaith Emergency Services
IESIaeger Elementary School (West Virginia)
IESIDEX II Imagery Exploitation Station
IESInterferometric Editing System
IESImagery Exploitation/Exploration System
IESImagery Exploitation Segment
IESInstitute of Ecosytem Studies
IESIntelligence Exploitation Squadron
IESIndustrial Engineer Standard
IESImelda Elementary School (Philippines)
IESIndustrial Economics Strategy