IEWInternational Education Week
IEWInter-Environnement Wallonie (now: Fédération wallonne des associations d'environnement)
IEWInstitut für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (German: Institute for Empirical Research in Economics; University of Zurich; Switzerland)
IEWIntelligence & Electronic Warfare
IEWInternational Energy Workshop
IEWInternet Everywhere
IEWInstitute for Excellence in Writing (Atascadero, CA)
IEWInformation Engineering Workbench (Knowledgeware)
IEWIndogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (German: Indo-European Etymological Dictionary)
IEWInstitut für Europa- und Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht (German: Institute for European and International Economic Law; Switzerland)
IEWInnovation and Enterprise Week (conference)
IEWIndustrial Electronic Wiring Ltd. (UK)
IEWInstitute of Eastern Wisdom (Haiku, HI)
IEWInteractive Extreme Wrestling (role-playing group)