Acronym | Definition |
AURA | Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy |
AURA | Aura Corporation (stock symbol) |
AURA | Association of Users of Research Agencies (UK) |
AURA | Advanced User Resource Annotation |
AURA | Auckland Univerity Robotics Association (New Zealand) |
AURA | Agence d'Urbanisme de la Région Angevine (French: Urban Agency of the Angevine Region; est. 1970) |
AURA | Australian Rock Art Research Association, Inc. |
AURA | Automated Underwriting Risk Analysis |
AURA | Army Unit Resiliency Analysis |
AURA | Adaptable User Interfaces for Reusable Applications |
AURA | Entwicklungspolitischer Auftragsrahmen (German development-policy commission framework) |
AURA | Advanced UHF Radar |
AURA | Automated Usercode Request Application |
AURA | Australian Ultra Runners Associaion |
AURA | Alliance for Unveiling and Researching Anomalies (Paranormal Awareness Society Network) |
AURA | Atari Union of Rabid Apostles (UK gaming) |