ISAMIndexed Sequential Access Method
ISAMIntelligent Services Access Manager
ISAMInternational Society for Aerosols in Medicine
ISAMInstitute for Studies in American Music (Brooklyn College, City University of New York)
ISAMInternational Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing
ISAMIBM (International Business Machine Corporation) Security Access Manager (software)
ISAMInformation Centre for Southern African Music
ISAMIntelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing (symposium)
ISAMIraq Security Assistance Mission (US DoD)
ISAMFirst Samuel
ISAMIonic Self-Assembled Monolayer
ISAMIntegrated Switching And Multiplexing
ISAMIntermediate Software Acquisition Management Course (IRMC/DSMC, also known as SAM 201)
ISAMInfant of a Substance Abusing Mother