Acronym | Definition |
ISAM | Indexed Sequential Access Method |
ISAM | Intelligent Services Access Manager |
ISAM | International Society for Aerosols in Medicine |
ISAM | Institute for Studies in American Music (Brooklyn College, City University of New York) |
ISAM | International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing |
ISAM | IBM (International Business Machine Corporation) Security Access Manager (software) |
ISAM | Information Centre for Southern African Music |
ISAM | Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing (symposium) |
ISAM | Iraq Security Assistance Mission (US DoD) |
ISAM | First Samuel |
ISAM | Ionic Self-Assembled Monolayer |
ISAM | Integrated Switching And Multiplexing |
ISAM | Intermediate Software Acquisition Management Course (IRMC/DSMC, also known as SAM 201) |
ISAM | Infant of a Substance Abusing Mother |