ISARInternet Standards Assessment Report (Web Marketing Association)
ISARInverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar
ISARInternational Society for Astrological Research (Gainesville, FL)
ISARInput Segmentation and Reassembly
ISARInternational Standards of Accounting and Reporting
ISARInternational Symposium on Augmented Reality
ISARInstitut des Sciences Agronomiques du Rwanda
ISARInternational Society for Antiviral Research
ISARInternational Society for Animal Rights
ISARInterferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (INSAR)
ISARInspection Services Activity Report (US FEMA)
ISARIntroduction to Search and Rescue (course; National Association for Search and Rescue)
ISARInformation System Activity Review
ISARInformation Storage & Retrieval
ISARIntegrated Safety Analysis Report
ISARInverse Sidelooking Airborne Radar
ISARInformation Systems and Research, Inc. (Fairfax, VA)
ISARIndustry Safety Accident Rating