ISASInstitute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan)
ISASIsdn Smart Attendant Services
ISASInternational Service Availability Symposium
ISASInstitute of South Asian Studies
ISASInternational School for Advanced Studies
ISASInstitute of Space and Aeronautical Science
ISASInstitute of Sensor and Actuator Systems (Vienna University of Technology; Vienna, Austria)
ISASIllinois State Archaeological Survey (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
ISASIndependent Schools Association of the Southwest
ISASInstitute of Space and Atmospheric Studies (University of Saskatchewan)
ISASInformation System Analysis and Synthesis
ISASInformatics Systems Analysis and Synthesis
ISASInstitute for Space and Aeronautical Sciences
ISASInternational Student Advice Service (Zurich, Switzerland)
ISASInstitute for the Synergy of Arts and Sciences