IRAIrish Republican Army
IRAIndividual Retirement Arrangement (IRS)
IRAIndividual Retirement Account
IRAInternational Reading Association
IRAImport Risk Analysis
IRAIndividual Retirement Annuity (life insurance)
IRAIntercollegiate Rowing Association
IRAIndian Reorganization Act
IRAInternet Research Agency (Russian troll farm)
IRAIndividual Right of Action (legal claim)
IRAInventoried Roadless Areas (various locations)
IRAInformation Resource Area
IRAIntelligent Remote Agent
IRAIndustrial Rope Access
IRAInternal Revenue Allotment (Philippines)
IRAIran Air (ICAO code)
IRAInformation Research and Analysis (University of North Texas; Denton, TX)
IRAInstitut Régional d'Administration (French: Regional Institute of Administration)
IRAInitial Risk Assessment
IRAInternational Reference Alphabet (7-bit coded character set)
IRAIllinois Restaurant Association
IRAInterim Remedial Action
IRAInherited Runs Allowed (baseball pitching statistic)
IRAInstitut des Régions Arides (French: Institute of Arid Regions; Tunisia)
IRAInstitute of Resource Assessment (Tanzania)
IRAImport Risk Assessment
IRAInvestor Relations Association
IRAImmediate Response Authority (US FEMA)
IRAIleorectal Anastomosis
IRAIndependent Regulatory Agency
IRAIrregular Repeat-Accumulate (coding scheme)
IRAIndian Removal Act of 1830
IRAIllinois Recycling Association (formerly Illinois Association of Recycling Centers)
IRAInventory Record Accuracy
IRAIntegrated Risk Assessment
IRAImmediate Response Account
IRAInstitut de Recherche Aérospatiale (French)
IRAIndividualized Residential Alternative (New York)
IRAInvestor Rights Agreement
IRAInformation Retrieval Agent
IRAImpulse Radiating Antenna
IRAInstitut de Radiophysique Appliquée
IRAInverness Royal Academy
IRAInformal Rate Agreement
IRAIncubateur Régional d'Aquitaine (French: Aquitaine Regional Incubator; Aquitaine, France)
IRAInstitut de Recherche Agronomique (Cameroon)
IRAIslamic Rating Agency (banking)
IRAInternational Retrovirology Association
IRAInterim Removal Action
IRAInterim Response Action
IRAIssue Resolution Agreement
IRAIndependent Research Agency
IRAInstitutional Research Award (NASA)
IRAInternational Regulatory Affairs Updates (est. 2004)
IRAInternet Routing Address
IRAInformation Research Associates
IRAInternational Racing Association
IRAIntelligence Related Activity
IRAIndependent Reporting Activity
IRAInformation Requirement Analysis
IRAIndiana Rehabilitation Association
IRAIterative Refinement Algorithm
IRAInternal Revenue Association
IRAInterface Requirements Analysis
IRAIntelligent Reuse Advisor (CASE)
IRAIntercon Research Associates
IRAInitial Request Analysis
IRAInspection Régionale de l'Agriculture (French: Regional Agriculture Inspection; Senegal)
IRAInternational Roaming Agreement (telephone networks)
IRAItem and Release Application
IRAInternational Reiki Alliance
IRAInformation Retrieval for Advertising (workshop)
IRAInterrogation Réponse Aéronautique (French: Aeronautics Interrogation Response; Directorate of Civil Aviation; France)