Acronym | Definition |
IRA | Irish Republican Army |
IRA | Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRS) |
IRA | Individual Retirement Account |
IRA | International Reading Association |
IRA | Import Risk Analysis |
IRA | Individual Retirement Annuity (life insurance) |
IRA | Intercollegiate Rowing Association |
IRA | Indian Reorganization Act |
IRA | Internet Research Agency (Russian troll farm) |
IRA | Individual Right of Action (legal claim) |
IRA | Inventoried Roadless Areas (various locations) |
IRA | Information Resource Area |
IRA | Intelligent Remote Agent |
IRA | Industrial Rope Access |
IRA | Internal Revenue Allotment (Philippines) |
IRA | Iran Air (ICAO code) |
IRA | Information Research and Analysis (University of North Texas; Denton, TX) |
IRA | Institut Régional d'Administration (French: Regional Institute of Administration) |
IRA | Initial Risk Assessment |
IRA | International Reference Alphabet (7-bit coded character set) |
IRA | Illinois Restaurant Association |
IRA | Interim Remedial Action |
IRA | Inherited Runs Allowed (baseball pitching statistic) |
IRA | Institut des Régions Arides (French: Institute of Arid Regions; Tunisia) |
IRA | Institute of Resource Assessment (Tanzania) |
IRA | Import Risk Assessment |
IRA | Investor Relations Association |
IRA | Immediate Response Authority (US FEMA) |
IRA | Ileorectal Anastomosis |
IRA | Independent Regulatory Agency |
IRA | Irregular Repeat-Accumulate (coding scheme) |
IRA | Indian Removal Act of 1830 |
IRA | Illinois Recycling Association (formerly Illinois Association of Recycling Centers) |
IRA | Inventory Record Accuracy |
IRA | Integrated Risk Assessment |
IRA | Immediate Response Account |
IRA | Institut de Recherche Aérospatiale (French) |
IRA | Individualized Residential Alternative (New York) |
IRA | Investor Rights Agreement |
IRA | Information Retrieval Agent |
IRA | Impulse Radiating Antenna |
IRA | Institut de Radiophysique Appliquée |
IRA | Inverness Royal Academy |
IRA | Informal Rate Agreement |
IRA | Incubateur Régional d'Aquitaine (French: Aquitaine Regional Incubator; Aquitaine, France) |
IRA | Institut de Recherche Agronomique (Cameroon) |
IRA | Islamic Rating Agency (banking) |
IRA | International Retrovirology Association |
IRA | Interim Removal Action |
IRA | Interim Response Action |
IRA | Issue Resolution Agreement |
IRA | Independent Research Agency |
IRA | Institutional Research Award (NASA) |
IRA | International Regulatory Affairs Updates (est. 2004) |
IRA | Internet Routing Address |
IRA | Information Research Associates |
IRA | International Racing Association |
IRA | Intelligence Related Activity |
IRA | Independent Reporting Activity |
IRA | Information Requirement Analysis |
IRA | Indiana Rehabilitation Association |
IRA | Iterative Refinement Algorithm |
IRA | Internal Revenue Association |
IRA | Interface Requirements Analysis |
IRA | Intelligent Reuse Advisor (CASE) |
IRA | Intercon Research Associates |
IRA | Initial Request Analysis |
IRA | Inspection Régionale de l'Agriculture (French: Regional Agriculture Inspection; Senegal) |
IRA | International Roaming Agreement (telephone networks) |
IRA | Item and Release Application |
IRA | International Reiki Alliance |
IRA | Information Retrieval for Advertising (workshop) |
IRA | Interrogation Réponse Aéronautique (French: Aeronautics Interrogation Response; Directorate of Civil Aviation; France) |