IRADInstitute of Agricultural Research for Development (Cameroon)
IRADIllinois Regional Archives Depository (Northeastern Illinois University)
IRADInternational Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection
IRADIndependent Research And Development
IRADInternal Research and Development
IRADInstitut de Recherche Agricole pour le Developpement (Cameroon)
IRADIndustry Research and Development
IRADInstitut de Recherches Appliquées du Dahomey (French: Dahomey Institute of Applied Research, Benin)
IRADImplantable Renal Assist Device (artificial kidney)
IRADIBM Rational Application Developer
IRADIterative Rapid Application Development
IRADInvoluntary Release from Active Duty
IRADInstitute of Registration Agents and Dealers
IRADImotong Ranges Association for Development
IRADInternational RPN Appreciation Day (celebrating Reverse Polish Notation)